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Singapore PM was threatened online

Singapore PM was threatened online
Singapore PM was threatened online

By: O. Safitrie*)

A Facebook user “GM Phoenix” treated Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on Friday night (6/2) saying that Mr. Lee will get his head shot soon.

GM Pheonix is a community page for the online shooting game Blackshot Online.This page tagged PM Lee with a threatening comment and posted a photograph of a bullet placed on what appears to be a camouflage uniform along with the comment. It also mentioned that a bom bwas put in Changi airport by a man with Hoodie.

On the following day, the account post another photo with a picture of two bullets in a magazine and a caption asking Mr. Lee to give them a second chance.

Although both post did not appear on PM Lee’s Facebook page and the bomb threat was proven incorrect, Singapore police is now investigating this issue.

*)The Author Is Singapore Contributor


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