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Social Injury Due to Politicization of Mosques


By: Andri Hermansyah) *

So far, many mosques have been used as venues for politicians. They do not seem to regard the Mushala or mosque as a house of worship which should be free from practical political efforts. In Indonesia, more than one million mosques and mosques, the building is intended for Muslims to worship and increase their knowledge and piety. Then if its use deviates and becomes a means of practical political interest in an effort to seize power, then this should be avoided, given that pilgrims who are in the mosque have different views on politics.

            “The simplest way is to choose sermon themes that will be delivered by the speakers. “Each sermon theme must contain material full of love and rahmatan lil alamin,” said Indra Harsono as Chair of the DKM Cut Meutia Mosque.

            If he still finds a lecturer who deviates and builds up the utterance of hatred, his side will also be assertive and cross out the speaker at the Cut Meutia Mosque.

            “We do not forgive preachers who deviate and build hateful opinions, let alone spread slander when they are preaching. As a sanction if someone does this, then we will be assertive by crossing the speaker’s name, “Indra said.

            Indeed, there is no prohibition in religious teachings to make mosques a place for public political education. Provided that what is conveyed is political values ​​and ethics. As a suggestion for mutual respect for differences, brotherhood (Ukhuwah), compassion and tolerance. In other words political education conveyed is glory political education not practical or power. So that the absolute prohibition is when practical political activities such as campaigns or influencing pilgrims to vote, vilify and express hate speech and slander and make provocations against legitimate government.

            One of the reasons why mosques or places of worship must be kept away from practical political activities is, because practical political activities are often tinged with intrigue, slander and sheepfighting. In essence, places of worship such as mosque mer are places where people from various social, cultural, political and religious ideologies meet.

            PSI Spokesperson, Dedek Prayudi, considers that the politicization of religion actually closes the political space of ideas, because the political world in this country should be filled with ideas and creativity. The politicization of the mosque will only widen disparity and give birth to tension between communities like in the Middle East. The politicization of the mosque is carried out by religious leaders or Islamic scholars who are considered influential in society. This character usually has certain followers who are quite fanatical. So anything said is like a command to his followers. Meanwhile, in a mosque which in fact is a place of worship for Muslims, of course there are other groups that may be opposite.

            Young Intellectuals NU Guntur Romli conveyed, that the politicization of mosques with the ulamas involved in them was a tool of power manipulation. Ulama are manipulated to support certain parties, especially those that conflict with the government. This will endanger and will certainly divide the nation. The KPU also has written regulations in Law Number 7 of 2017, said that the campaign should not be carried out in mosques and places of education. The regulation is certainly expected to be able to mediate all conflicts that occur regarding the politicization of mosques.

The cause of the spread of the issue of religious politicians is a reflection that religion is increasingly being dragged away to choices and to determine leaders on the basis of certain religious groups. Horizontal conflicts often occur in several regions. The irony is that the decision to decide and to make a choice also leads to a religious background.

            We certainly can reflect on the experience of the DKI Jakarta pilgub, at which time several Islamic groups took advantage of the issue to corner the incumbent governor at the time, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama alias Ahok, who had ethnic Chinese and Non-Muslim blood. This is certainly more dangerous than money politics, because issues related to religion will quickly spread with the help of the flow of media such as the internet and social media. The thumbs up of smartphone users has been able to burn out tolerance in a short time.

) * The author is an observer of socio-cultural problems

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