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Socialization of Election Rules, Necessary


CIDISS. Installation of props and campaign materials at the 2019 General Election campaign stage becomes a problem. This is because there are a number of election participants who began to conduct campaigns vigorously through props and campaign materials by getting around the rules of the game.

Some of the adjustments made by the 2019 general election candidates, one of which is in the form of the installation of stickers bearing the 2019 General Election participants in public transportation. In fact, based on the prevailing regulations, the installation of campaign materials (stickers) may only be carried out in private cars and vehicles administering political parties, so that they are not allowed to stick stickers on public transportation.

The existence of this maze, allegedly occurred due to lack of socialization of a number of rules related to the 2019 general election, especially to the public. Examples like this, like it happened on October 24, 2018, where the General Election Supervisory Board of Tasikmalaya City conducted sweeping a number of city transportation in Tugu Adipura Tasikmalaya to remove the stickers of candidates for legislators. When we ask the community, most people will state that they do not know that the installation of campaign props on public transport is prohibited.

One example is the existence of a number of articles stating that public transport drivers claim not to know there is a prohibition on the installation of stickers on public transport so that it is permissible if there are parties who want to paste stickers. Moreover, they were also given money rewards as a sign of gratitude for being allowed to put stickers on their transport cars.

Ignorance and lack of socialization are among the factors that hinder the creation of honest and transparent elections. This is because ignorance is also an obstacle to the course of the rules to be implemented properly. If the organizers and the public do not know correctly about the election regulations, it will be difficult to create transparent and conducive elections. For this reason, it is necessary to think that there is a massive and optimal socialization from the government regarding the rules in holding elections. Through this, it is expected that the results of the general election can be more accountable and can reduce the disputes that occur

By: Mirwan Achmad )*

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