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Society Must Receive Whatever MK Decision


By: Rika Prasetya )*

In terms of the constitution means basic rules regarding the formation of the state. The constitution generally refers to guaranteeing rights to citizens. For this reason, it is fitting for all citizens to obey and accept whatever the Court’s decision.

Whatever the decision of the Constitutional Court Judge in the General Election Results (PHPU) dispute in the 2019 Presidential Election, is final and binding.

This trait is certainly not only for the applicant, namely the Prabowo – Sandiaga Legal Team, then the defendant, namely the KPU RI and related parties, the Jokowi – Ma’ruf Amin Legal Team. However, the community is also expected to be able to respect and accept all court proceedings.

The authority of the Constitutional Court to decide which is final and binding (binding). Of course we must respect this constitutional process. Therefore not only the parties involved in the trial must obey it, but also the wider public must obey and implement any decision of the Constitutional Court later on its decision.

MK Spokesman Fajar Laksono said that the PHPU 2019 Presidential Election trial process that had been held from June 14 to 21 had been carried out openly. Where, the public can witness and oversee the course of the trial both through television broadcasts and live streaming.

For this reason, Fajar asked all parties to entrust all decisions to the Constitutional Court judges.

“The trial was held open, it was the MK’s turn to make a decision. So, once again entrust the Constitutional Court to make decisions in accordance with the facts of the trial, in accordance with the evidence, in accordance with the convictions of constitutional justices, “he said.

“Hopefully the open process, there is no doubt about the Constitutional Court,” he added.

It should also be noted that the Constitutional Court judge was holding a Judicial Consultative Meeting (RPH) before deciding the PHPU 2019 Presidential Election case. As scheduled, the RPH was held closed from June 24-27. The verdict was held no later than June 28, 2019.

Not much different from Fajar, TKN spokesperson Irma Suryani Chaniago stressed that all parties must accept whatever the Court’s decision regarding the election results dispute (PHPU) 2019 Presidential Election.

“Yes, we have to accept it,” said Irma.

He also hoped that the supporters of the two candidates and the community would not be easily affected by unclear issues.

He also believes that the public will accept whatever results are decided by the Constitutional Court. Nevertheless, he hopes that police officers can act decisively if there are parties who try to interfere after the verdict.

“The security forces must act firmly on anyone who is still disturbing after the Court’s decision,” he said.

In addition, the invitation to accept the Constitutional Court’s decision also came from the Deputy Chairperson of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Zainut Tauhid Saadi, he appealed to Muslims and the public to be able to accept whatever the Constitutional Court ruling was related to the dispute over the 2019 Presidential Election.

“The MUI calls on all parties to be able to accept the decisions of the panel of judges with full sincerity and awareness, because the Constitutional Court’s decision is final and binding,” Zainut said.

He also stressed that the Constitutional Court’s decision must be interpreted as the best decision to end all disputes relating to the General Election (Election).

“Keep on putting forward a polite, peaceful and akhlakul karimah attitude in conveying the demands of their aspirations,” he said.

In addition, he also expressed his appreciation to all parties, especially the presidential and vice-presidential candidates who were determined to take legal action in resolving election disputes. This is a highly commendable form of constitutional awareness and statesmanship.

The MUI has also observed the PHPU trial process in the Court carefully, where the proceedings proceeded in an orderly manner and upheld justice and honesty.

“For this matter, the MUI calls on all parties to give trust to the constitutional court judges to decide cases fairly, honestly and responsibly,” Zainut said.

Public Information Bureau of the Public Relations Division of the Indonesian National Police, Brigadier General Dedi Prasetyo, explained that there were around 47 thousand joint personnel deployed in Jakarta to anticipate potential disturbances that arose during the process and read out the verdict in the Constitutional Court.

)* The author is a sociopolitical observer

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