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Special Autonomy Realizes the Improvement of the Social Lives of the Papuan People


The government extends and increases the Special Autonomy (Otsus) fund for Papua. With the Special Autonomy program, the improvement of the social life of the Papuan people can be realized immediately.

The implementation of development in Tanah Papua seems to tend to be slower than the implementation of development in other provinces. Therefore, the government issued Law No. 2 of 2021 which is the second amendment to Law No. 21 which is the second amendment to Law No. 21 of 2001 concerning Papua’s special autonomy.

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Dr. Sony W Manalu, MM as Expert Staff to the Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, said what the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo during his reign was such as boosting the implementation of infrastructure development in Papua, building trans-Papua roads, building sea and air ports in Papua.

This is of course an extraordinary breakthrough that illustrates that Jokowi is a statesman who really wants the entire territory of Indonesia from Sabang to Merauke to live in prosperity both socially and economically.

Sony said that the issuance of the law on special autonomy is a manifestation of justice, the rule of law and the fulfillment of human rights and the acceleration of development in three main sectors, namely infrastructure, education and health.

Sony also revealed that only with good human resources will the children in Papua who are currently at the elementary, junior high, high school and even higher education levels be the ones who will continue development in Papua so that they live in social and economic prosperity in line with the province. others in Indonesia.

In line with Sony, the Deputy Chairman of the DPRD for Pesawaran Regency, Zulkarnain said that granting autonomy means giving the people of Papua and West Papua a wide enough freedom to determine the direction and policies of development, especially economic development as a whole.

Therefore, the land of Papua and West Papua can plan for economic development in a qualified infrastructure so that it will realize the prosperous life of the people of Papua and West Papua as aspired.

According to him, in general, the granting of special autonomy to Papua and West Papua has several objectives, namely first, to create an advanced, prosperous and peaceful Papuan and West Papuan society, secondly, to realize the people of Papua and West Papua so that they can determine the direction of their development in improving people’s living standards. Papua and West Papua and thirdly manifest a willingness to determine the acceleration of development that encourages good governance.

Previously, Papuan youth leader Izak R Hikoyabi said that the policies taken by President Jokowi were considered to bring hope and progress for Papua. The reason is, the central government is considered to have given a lot of positive attention to the earth of paradise. Izak also considered that there were several things in the change of Papuan society. One of them is the flexibility in managing the special autonomy (otsus) budget for the Papuan government.

He revealed that the steps taken by President Jokowi were effective steps by taking a dialogue approach to unravel problems and formulate alternative solutions.

According to Izak, national integration and the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia at a fixed price are the foundation that is built on the basis of welfare, justice above a legal order that respects the socio-cultural context. Otsus needs to be continued so that the Papuan people can get benefits, such as the opportunity to access education to higher education for Papuan youths.

The Papua Special Autonomy policy should be continued. it is hoped that various problems stemming from the weakness of the special autonomy regulation and its derivative regulations can be corrected so that special autonomy can provide the maximum benefit to the Papuan people and various irregularities that occurred previously can be avoided.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Gorontalo

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