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Spreader Hoax Jokowi’s Fake Diploma Finally Arrested


By: Rizky Mahardika *

Bareskrim Polri has successfully arrested hoaxers or hoaxes related to the issue of President Jokowi’s fake diploma. The arrest was carried out in Kampung Mede, East Bekasi last January 19, 2019. The hoax spreader uploaded hoaxes related to Jokowi’s diploma documents on his Facebook account on behalf of Umar Khalid. The evidence seized by the police was 1 cellphone, 2 sim cards, 1 Facebook account named Umar Kholid, and 1 email address with umarkholid186@gmail.com. He then examined Dittipidsiber and conducted a digital forensic examination of evidence.

The police did not arrest suspects who spread hoaxes related to President Jokowi’s fake diploma, but Umar Kholid was required to report twice a week, namely on Monday and Thursday to investigators. He was not detained because of the threat of punishment under 5 years. He was charged with Article 14 paragraph 2, Article 15 of Law Number 1 Year 1946, and / or article 207 of the Criminal Code.

Umar Kholid’s motive in uploading Jokowi’s fake diploma on his Facebook account is a question but there is a narrative that says the diploma is fake. It is known, there is information circulating in cyberspace regarding the Jokowi high school diploma accused of being false because there is a stamp of Solo 6 High School with the graduation year of 1980. Then news emerged that said SMAN 6 Solo where Jokowi attended school was founded in 1986.

In response, the Head of Solo 6 High School, Agung Wijayanto explained that the Jokowi diploma is an original diploma. Jokowi is a graduate of Solo 6 Public High School. In the beginning Solo 6 High School was a Preparatory Middle School (SMPP). The SMPP was established on November 26, 1975. In addition to Solo, the establishment of SMPP was also carried out in several other areas, such as Purwodadi and also Wonosobo.

This is in accordance with a letter from the Minister of Education and Culture number 025.b / 0/1975 concerning the opening of several SMPP in Central Java. Whereas for SMPP in Solo it only accepted students in 1976. Since the establishment of the school, it was necessary to arrange and prepare for the acceptance of the first students. While Jokowi was the first student of SMPP to stand. The curriculum taught at SMPP is also the same as high school, considering the instructors were also from SMA 5 Solo.

The registration itself is still one with State High School 5. Then the number of students is divided into two schools according to the order of the class. For grades 1.1 to 1.5 enter State High School 5. While students from the next group enter the SMPP and Jokowi is recorded as a student from class 1.9. so Jokowi was included in SMPP from existing data. Jokowi graduated in 1980. Then in 1985, SMPP changed to Solo 6 Senior High School.

This is as a letter from the Minister of Education and Culture No. 353/0/1985 concerning changes in school names from SMPP to Upper High School Middle School. So that it is natural that Jokowi’s diploma does not sound as a graduate of SMA 6. It is a high school graduate who has now changed to Public High School 6.

Of course not a little tilted news and fried issues addressed to the presidential and vice presidential candidate pair number 01 which aims to overthrow electability ahead of the upcoming April 2019 election. Strangely, the issue only ended in a joke because it was very easy to argue, as well as the issue of Jokowi from ethnic Chinese, the issue of Jokowi PKI, and others.

If we look at it, the issue is only a trick of the political opposition to fulfill political lust alone. Spreading false news and false issues indeed became their mainstay of fried food to be able to deliver his lord to the Republic of Indonesia’s seat 1. This had to be done because they were unable to highlight their achievements to the public. The arrest of Umar Kholid is certainly expected to provide a deterrent effect for the perpetrators of hoax dissemination so that there are no more hoax spreaders that can worsen the atmosphere of democracy in Indonesia.

President Jokowi also gave instructions to the National Police Chief Tito Karnavian to hunt down spreaders of false news, this is because hoaxes or hoaxes circulating in cyberspace have the potential to disrupt national security and stability. Hoax spreaders can be threatened with Article 28 paragraph 1 of the Indivation and Electronic Transaction Law (ITE). The article states that anyone who intentionally and or without the right to spread false or misleading news can be subject to a maximum criminal penalty of 6 years imprisonment and a maximum fine of Rp. 1 billion.

Today’s police have been able to track hoax news makers who have left their mark on the internet. Therefore we must be careful in writing status, making content or in spreading chain messages through both social media and other applications. Because, even if it just continues, it can also drag someone into the bars of the prison, this is because the successor of the message has violated the ITE Law.

Communities also need to be careful and alert to the circulation of hoaxes on the internet, especially on social media. Moreover, the more news spread on social media can actually spit hatred. Of course we have to keep our thumbs up so that internet activities don’t take us to the green table. This is because the threat is not playing games, lying news disseminators can be imprisoned or with a maximum of Rp 1 billion. Be wise to use social media and your smartphone.

* The author is a student at Tegal Pancasakti University

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