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Starter Selector Threatened Can Not Choose


CIDISS – Jakarta. IDN Times – Election of Regional Head (Pilkada) will be held simultaneously in 117 areas in June 2018. No less than 160 million people will vote. This should be a party of democracy that everybody can celebrate. But it seems that not everyone can follow this party easily because there are still many people, including beginner voters, who do not have Electronic Identity Card (e-ID card). In fact, ownership of Electronic ID card is one of the requirements to choose.

Based on the number of voters from the List of Potential Population Residents (DP4) in the General Election Commission (KPU), of 160,765,143 voters who have voting rights, there are 10 million novice voters. The number includes an 17-year-old turnout on June 27 or the Pilkada-H day. The data, not including children under 17 years of marriage which amounted to 5630 people.

The main problem of beginning voters is Electronic ID card. Moreover, plus 2.3 million people who have not recorded data. The problem of E-ID card is caused by the low awareness of the public to perform data recording, it is also caused by the limitations of human resources and tools owned by related parties. In some areas, even in 1 sub district only has 2 pieces of E-KTP recording device so that the recording process runs slowly and takes no time.

Basically, the government has done its utmost to record E-KTP data so that all potential voters can participate in the election of regional heads simultaneously in 2018. Until now, the number of people who have not done E-KTP recording has gradually begun to decrease so the amount is not significant. With such progress, it is hoped that the problem related to E-KTP data recording is not found in the implementation of regional head election. At a minimum, the related issues are not significant so that it does not hamper the 2018 election of regional head.

By: Mirwan Achmad *)

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