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Support Development in Indonesia


CIDISS. Evidence of the seriousness of the Indonesian government for self-improvement in the face of global competition is the realization of development, one of which is infrastructure with the aim that connectivity between districts / cities, provinces and nationally be easy and practical so that it will increase social and economic dynamics, which has an impact on rising working hours and community income. This infrastructure development has been very successful in several regions.

The government’s policy to form the Committee for the Acceleration of the Provision of Priority Infrastructure (KPPIP) in 2014 finally began to be felt by the Indonesian people. The government is determined to build Indonesia from Sabang to Merauke, from Miangas to Rote. In the area, development has been felt.

The acceleration of development carried out by the government was initially due to a gap between people living in cities and villages. People who live in cities are considered to be more advanced because they are facilitated by adequate infrastructure, more accessible education and so forth. In addition, the fact that Indonesia has been independent for 73 years is still a lot of areas that are classified as lagging as in parts of Kalimantan, Maluku, Papua, Sumatra and Sulawesi are still very sad. Because of their remoteness they cannot move as fast as the city community, as a result they are left behind in several fields of development both education, social and economic. They live in subsistence poverty, have not been adequately touched by science and technology, and even the pace of life is very limited. Therefore, to minimize the gap and as an effort to equalize, the government is determined to accelerate infrastructure development in all regions in Indonesia which are then elaborated in the national development program.

The development of the outermost island infrastructure is currently recorded at 117 islands, in accordance with the Cawa Nawa program of President Joko Widodo and Vice President Jusuf Kalla, one of which is to build from the periphery. The implementation is carried out through a strategic development area (WPS) approach, where the outer islands are part of WPS.

One focus of the government to build the outer islands is the construction of raw water facilities is the Obi Islands in North Maluku. The government through the Ministry of PUPR coordinates with other agencies, such as the National Border Management Agency (BNPP) and the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries to build raw water facilities in Obi Islands, North Maluku. In January 2016, the Obi Raw Water Unit was constructed with a capacity of 30 cubic meters. The Obi Islands are famous for nickel and agate, but the people do not have enough clean water for their daily needs.

Therefore, this raw water unit development project aims to increase the water debit that has been built by the Regional Water Supply Company (PDAM) South Halmahera. Construction work carried out includes construction of intake, filter tub, reservoir, water reservoir and pipe bridges. The reservoir is built with a capacity of 350 cubic meters and a filter tank with a capacity of 36 cubic meters.

Various forms of infrastructure development today can be said to be successful infrastructure development and can also be used as capital for further infrastructure development. The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) said Indonesia’s infrastructure competitiveness index skyrocketed. Indonesia ranks 60th in the infrastructure competitiveness index, from 134 countries in the 2016-2017 period. Although Indonesia’s position is still in the middle, it is a significant achievement. Because in the period of 2010-2011 Indonesia’s position in the infrastructure competitiveness index was in position 90.

Development in each region cannot be separated from the support provided by the community. Because, if there is no support from the community, the government program cannot run. People need to trust and support what the government is doing, because all that is done by the government is for the sake of Indonesia’s progress.

By: Mirwan Achmad )*

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