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Support for Omnibus Law Continues Work Flow


By: Raavi Ramadhan )*

The Work Omnibus Law Bill was indeed increasingly widespread, although there were a few rejections. Nevertheless, the Omnibus Law Cipta Karya continues to flow, including from trade union groups.

Work agreements that support the government policy are Purantara Mitra Angkasa Dua Corporate Level Workers’ Association (SPTP).

SPU Chairperson Purantara Mitra Angkasa Dua, Yufrizal said, every policy from the government regarding labor is certainly reaping the pros and cons.

Yufrizal expressed his support for the Work Copy Bill. The government certainly has thought and considered what is stated in the draft bill.

According to Yufrizal, the government will not be arbitrary towards the people especially towards workers. He also highlighted the availability of employment today.

He said that we must not be selfish. Of course we all want the best, our rights are fully fulfilled. But back again, whether the company where he worked will last a long time employing the workers.

As we know, it’s hard to get a job right now. So don’t be impressed just think of yourself. Because of course there are still people out there who want a job. Therefore, Yufrizal said that he continued to support the Work Copy Bill.

One of the contents of the draft bill is related to termination of employment (FLE) which reads ‘In the event of termination of employment, the employer is required to pay severance pay and / or long service awards.

This shows that in the Work Omnibus Law Bill Employment Copyright provides protection for workers affected by layoffs to continue to get compensation for layoffs, such as severance pay, long service awards or other compensation.

Previously, the Association of Indonesian City Representative Council (Adeksi) supported the Omnibus Law on the Cipta Karya Bill.

Armuji Adeksi Chairperson said, Omnibnus Law Cipta Karya can improve the investment climate in the area.

Armuji said, if we want to accelerate investment to enter our city, then we don’t need weird and complicated rules.

The East Java Regional House of Representatives member considered that the Omnibus Law Cipta Karya supported the alignment of local government regulations with the central government.

That way, investment will enter the region without having to deal with all complicated bureaucracy.

The program indeed aims to cut or accelerate economic growth nationally. So he considered, the need for socialization related to the number of rejection from the public against the omnibus law.

Therefore, his party has also met with the Minister of the Interior (Mendagri) Tito Karnavian to provide input from the region some time ago.

Support for the work copyright omnibus also came from the Indonesian Youth National Committee (KNPI), they hoped that dozens of laws that prevented employment creation would be immediately revised. In addition, dozens of laws that hamper the development of MSMEs will also be revised at once.

The issue related to skilled labor is certainly a concern of many, the existence of a skilled and competent workforce to be able to compete in the global labor market. For this reason, we need a rule that can embrace all that can only be done by Omnibus Law.

Especially with the entry of investors into Indonesia will also be felt directly by the young people of Indonesia. Because the demographic bonus that Indonesia has is the large number of workforce and labor affected by layoffs who will later need access to employment.

Although the omnibus law discussion requires a high enough cost, but this is something that is reasonable, because it is quite appropriate because it will be a solution to overlapping regulations in Indonesia quickly, effectively and efficiently.

Meanwhile, the Student and Youth Action Committee (KAMPUD) said that it strongly disagreed with any movement carried out by a group of people to reject the Omnibus Law on the Employment Bill. This is because the draft still receives all input and criticism as well as improvements from competent parties through the available channels.

So that the action or movement should not obscure the good intentions of the government which continues to strive to improve the national economy for the welfare of the people of Indonesia.

)* The writer is a social political observer, active in the study of the Press Circle and Cikini Students

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