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Supporting Government’s Efforts to Improve Human Resources


By: Edward Noel )*

The Jokowi-Ma’ruf government is committed to realizing superior human resources. These efforts are needed to realize an advanced Indonesia while surviving amid increasingly fierce global competition, so that broad support is needed from the Indonesian people.

One of the things the government needs to develop now is the Human Resources sector, where Indonesia will experience a demographic bonus with many young people ready to work, but if the force is not equipped with knowledge, it will certainly have an impact on the social tsunami.

Let’s imagine, first to send news to each other we must write a letter via post and wait for months depending on distance. But now, for business with each other asking for news in just seconds, almost anyone can be connected with anyone.

Even for applying for jobs, several companies have received applications through applications or electronic mail. This proves that technology is developing so fast, human resource development needs to be improved so that Indonesian people can master technology instead of being a slave to technology.

Indonesian President Joko Widodo also appealed to his staff that the main focus of his administration from now on is no longer the development of infrastructure, but the development of human resources.

Jokowi said, one of the steps the government would take to boost HR development was by working with companies.

The former Surakarta Mayor said, so that the development of human resources is well consolidated, in the near future he will again hold a limited meeting with the relevant ministries.

Thus, the budget allocated can be right on target and its implementation in accordance with the specified time, so that there really is an increase in labor productivity.

Previously Jokowi gave an example, farmers need to be introduced to the e-commerce marketplace to market their products online. So that the relationship between farmers and consumers is getting closer.

Strengthening of human resources will be able to support unicorn and decacorn startups that have expanded overseas.

In Indonesia already has 1 Decacorn namely Gojek. Furthermore, there are 4 unicorns namely Bukalapak, Tokopedia, OVO and Traveloka. Gojek has spread its wings to Singapore, Vietnam and Thailand.

Strengthening HR has indeed become Jokowi’s main program. One of them is through the Pre-Work Card Program. Where it is a program for those who have just graduated from school that is prepared to face the world of work. The program will be in the form of training.

On a different occasion, President Jokowi had said that many graduates today were less absorbed by the industrial world because they were considered irrelevant to their needs. Until finally, the Industry lacks competent human resources in accordance with the required qualifications.

The government has also done various ways to hone skills from HR. Including them through the Work Training Center (BLK). Including in boarding schools, which have not yet been maximized.

In the realm of human resource development, Indonesia is also still in a red light status with low literacy. However the other side of efforts to increase Indonesian human resources that can be used as a reflection is the level of literacy.

The low literacy will give no small domino effect, one of which is the existence of hoax news which is increasingly gaining space.

We also have to accept the fact that Indonesia is ranked 64 out of 72 countries that routinely read. Of course this needs to get a response.

Responding to the problem, the free book delivery program through PT POS Indonesia’s service that was rolled out by the government some time ago can be seen as a real effort to encourage even distribution of literacy in the archipelago.

President Jokowi also believes that if Indonesia focuses on improving the quality of human resources, Indonesia can immediately realize its vision of becoming a developed country.

Improving the quality of human resources is certainly an important capital to face the era of digital-based economy. Therefore, various HR development programs must be prepared to ensure demographic bonuses become progress leaps.

The trick is, by building a talented generation that has character and can adapt to the rapid advances in technology.

Indonesia certainly has an initial capital to face competition at the global level, namely the number of population which is the fourth largest in the world and most of Indonesia’s population is still young.

In addition, the improvement in the quality of human resources is also a key witness to improve national competitiveness, one of which is in the economic field. This means that if human resources strengthen, the economy is also expected to increase.

)* The author is a social political observer

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