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Supporting the 2020 Peace Election


By: Otjih S )*

One of the special moments in 2020 is the celebration of the simultaneous local elections. The community is expected to support and succeed the 2020 Peaceful Election in order to create a better government.

In September there will be 2020 elections in 270 regions that will hold it, where the elected regional head will only lead for a maximum of 4 years, and even then, if the KPK is not arrested because of corruption revealed or entwined in a criminal case so that the police arrested and thrown into prison.

Election preparation for 2020 is also marked by preparations that are not smooth like the Regional Grant Agreement Notes / NPHD many have not been signed, the local election budget is reduced either for the KPU or Bawaslu, Panwascam selection is less attractive to the public, many KPU commissioners who violate the code of ethics that must be replaced (cases lastly Wahyu Setiawan who was dictated by the KPK in the case of the PAW who was the third involving a high-ranking person in one of the strongest political parties reportedly going to be the Ambassador so that the KPK was not captured so that his “pandora box” was not opened), even though the general public doubted the KPK to arrest him knowing the strongest political party when it was new. just going for miles and a number of other problems.

Gibran’s progress in Pilwalkot Solo should not make ASN and K / L become uguh pakewuh so that it makes the wrong policy. Let Gibran even though the president’s son wins in his own way not assisted by “invisible hands” whose operations use public money. Gibran, if deemed capable, can be trusted and have a strong mass base, of course, will win in his own way and if you lose it is also okay because you are still young and can try again another time.

Local elections will also be colored by former corruptors as regional head candidates and maybe even in Aceh there are regional head candidates who are from ex-GAM members or supported by ex-GAM members and in Papua there may be candidates who are in the same breath as TPN / OPM or persons who have been mistakenly using funds Otsus Papua, they they must be set up, scenarios, promoted and disseminated so that the people or voters do not vote for them. Once again DO NOT CHOOSE them because of political habits and their track record may be “not good” for the maturity of democracy and for the existence of the Homeland.

To be sure, problems related to the 2020 elections will always be there and need to be addressed and anticipated by related ministries / agencies to immediately form teams, working groups and even task forces to handle them, so that this year’s Regional Election is truly “simultaneous” can be carried out not by administrative constraints, the distribution of the completeness of the elections not even constrained by the “force major” factor. Can? It’s awaited the D-day.

)* The author is an observer of politics and economics. Aldayus Udayana, Bali

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