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Supporting the Implementation of the Job Creation Law


By: Zakaria) *

The Job Creation Law must be implemented in the community, so that it does not only apply on paper. The purpose of making this law is for the people. Therefore, it must be implemented immediately, in order to benefit all Indonesian citizens.
The Job Creation Law was promulgated at the end of 2021 and its derivative regulations followed in early 2021. This law is often referred to as the Jagat Broom Law, because it regulates various sectors. Starting from forestry, labor, investment, MSMEs, and others.
So that there will be bureaucratic reform in these sectors, and make it easier for employers and workers in Indonesia.
However, this law seems useless if there is no implementation. In that sense, don’t just be strong on paper but weak in the field. Because this law was made for the welfare of the people. So it must be implemented immediately, so that people’s lives improve, after being hit by economic difficulties during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Deputy chairman of the DPR, Azis Syamsudin, asked the regional government and security forces to accelerate the implementation of the Job Creation Law. Because this acceleration is to support the acceleration of the national economy (PEN) during a pandemic. In that sense, PEN is an important program to deal with the impact of the pandemic in Indonesia, so it must be carried out together with the implementation of the Job Creation Law.

Azis Syamsudin continued, when there is the implementation of the Job Creation Law, it will provide a sense of security and comfort to investors. Also makes business licensing easier. In that sense, investors will trust the Indonesian government, because there is a guarantee of security, under the legal umbrella of a law. So that foreign investment will increase drastically in 2021.

The investment cluster is indeed the most favored in the Job Creation Law. Because thanks to the articles in this cluster, investors will flock to enter Indonesia. Among these are Tesla and many other international companies. They are interested in investing in Indonesia, because it is a good market for their products. Workers’ salaries are also not as high as in other countries.

If any investors enter, all projects will run smoothly. For example, when there is a toll road project, some will be funded by investors. So that this freeway will be completed quickly and facilitate the mobility of the community. The beneficiaries are the people too, right? All of this is due to the implementation of the Job Creation Law.

We don’t have to worry if there are many investors who enter Indonesia, because there is an investment management agency that will regulate it. So that there will be mutually beneficial cooperation. Foreign investment must be a symbiosis of mutualism and benefit the community.

In the Job Creation Law there is also a business ease cluster and an MSME cluster. So that it will help MSME entrepreneurs to rise from the impact of the pandemic. When they get easy licensing, the business will be more professional. So that it will be trusted by the Bank, and given credit facilities. The money can be used to continue production or enlarge the shop.

If small entrepreneurs are helped, their business will run smoothly. Because the support from the government to simplify the bureaucracy will be very useful. This means that the Job Creation Law does not only provide benefits for big business people. But it is also useful for small-scale entrepreneurs. So that there is no discrimination between the 2 camps, and shows that the government is trying to be fair to all its people.

All of this will happen if the Job Creation Law is actually implemented in Indonesia. Therefore, local governments must implement this law, in order to facilitate the steps of MSME investors and entrepreneurs. Do not even get out of sync between the local government and the central government. Because this law must be implemented, not just a sweetener on paper.

) * The author is a citizen living in Bogor

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