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Supporting the Inauguration of the Papua Regional Secretary by the Minister of Home Affairs


By: Moses Waker) *
The Regional Secretary in Papua Province has just been appointed by the Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian. At the same time, the Deputy Governor of Papua also appointed a Regional Secretary. This dualism need not be confused because the authority to appoint a Regional Secretary is the Ministry of Home Affairs as mandated by the Law.
Only this time there were 2 inaugurations of officials at the same time. Papua Regional Secretary Dance Yulian Falssy became the definitive Regional Secretary of Papua and was appointed directly by the Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian. Meanwhile, the acting Regional Secretary Doren Wakerwa was inaugurated by the Deputy Governor of Klemen Tinal.
The appointment of the Yulian Falssy Dance was in accordance with the rules, because it referred to Presidential Decree no. 159 / TPA / 2020 concerning the appointment of high-ranking middle-ranking officials within the Papua Provincial Government. Despite being the definitive official, Dance admits that he has the blessing of Governor Lukas Enembe. So that his position is still considered valid in the eyes of the law.
Governor Lukas Enembe stated that he accepted the definitive Sekda Dance Yulian based on local Papuan culture. After all, the appointment of Dance was in accordance with the president’s mandate. Because previously there was an open selection for the Secretary of the Papua Region and it was Dance that was chosen by President Jokowi.
Acting Regional Secretary Doren Wakerwa has ended his term of office, but has been extended again by the Papua Provincial Government. So that he is invited to carry out his duties for the next 6 months. This extension was carried out so that he could complete his term of office, so that he could carry out his duties properly.
Muhammad Sawir, a lecturer in government science at Yapis University Papua stated that the regional secretary is the highest position in a province, because he is directly appointed by the Minister of Home Affairs. Meanwhile the Governor is a political position. Sawir’s statement is an explanation that the Ministry of Home Affairs’ inauguration of the Papua Regional Secretary is a constitutional mandate.
It is hoped that this dualism will not create divisions in Papua. Because both Doren and Dance are recognized as Regional Secretaries. The people of Cendrawasih Earth do not need to be confused, because this appointment is in accordance with the rules. They also don’t have to argue on social media, because the two officials are both recognized by the Governor of Papua, Lukas Enembe.
Meanwhile Dance said that this appointment is to fill the vacant position for 9 months. So it’s okay to do it. In that sense, a position should not be vacant for too long. Because programs in the local government will not run smoothly if there is no leader.
The Sekda will certainly think ahead and succeed in the programs in the Papuan regional government. They think about the fate of the people and try hard so that civilians live a prosperous life full of justice. As an official, it does not mean forgetting the mandate of the people. Because in fact, officials are public servants.
In Papua Province, regulations have been in effect since special autonomy in 2001. All officials in Bumi Cendrawasih must be filled by OAP (native Papuans). This privilege is very grateful because the central government listens to the voice of the Papuan people. Also trusting the Putra Papua to lead their own region, and recognized for their intelligence.
When officials are filled by indigenous Papuans, they are more familiar with the geography, customs, customs and social systems of the Cendrawasih Earth. So that when doing blusukan will understand what is needed by the people. Position is his responsibility for the welfare of all residents of Cendrawasih Earth.
The two regional secretaries in Papua who have just been appointed are equally legitimate under state law. This dualism does not need to be debated, because actually the extension of the definitive official position is to complete his duties for the next 6 months. So that it is certain that it will succeed and bring the Papuan people to progress and prosperity.

) * The author is a Papuan student living in Gorontalo

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