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Supports the crackdown on the Papua Separatist Movement


By: Abner Wanggai) *

Attacks from armed separatist groups in Papua reappeared in early 2020, where one of the Brimob members was shot in the thigh and had to get treatment at the hospital. This certainly shows that the group’s movement is still spreading terror, there is no other word than to eradicate the group from the Earth of Cenderawasih. The Free Papua Organization (OPM) is part of the separatist movement. Various cruel actions carried out by OPM all this time could also be included in the category of terrorism because they have used violence that creates an atmosphere of terror or widespread fear, mass casualties, and cause damage to vital objects.

Previously, West Papuan Separatist Frontman Benny Wenda had also sought attention to the UN and Australia related to the riots at Expo Waena and Wamena, Papua. Where about 27 people died in the riots. Benny Wenda is the leader of the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) who was granted asylum in Oxford, England. In the city, he continued to campaign for independence for West Papua.

Benny claims Indonesia has aimed to completely eliminate the peaceful struggle for self-determination, and imprison and kill high school teenagers and students. In fact, the Indonesian Government has instead deployed military and police forces to protect civilians and secure public facilities in Papua and West Papua.

In addition he also urged Australia to provide support for calls for international intervention related to research in Papua and West Papua. They use racist issues to fry and mobilize people to carry out anarchic actions so as not to hesitate to show opposition to the Police. With the hope of chaos and international attention, the world will call for a referendum on Papua.

Previously, the separatist group also fired at a helicopter (PK-IWD) owned by a private company when it was above the Olenki kampong area of ​​Ilaga Utara District, Puncak Regency while heading home on October 16, 2019, the shooting hit the helicopter’s bottom left door (PK) -IWD) translucent to the windshield. Another atrocity occurred on October 12, 2019 in the Old Market, Dekai District, Yakuhimo District, Papua, where there was an attack by using a machete against fried rice traders, then a day after that there was an attack and theft of the property of the migrants in the Paradiso road area, District District Dekai, where OPM cadres attacked residents who were patrolling or guarding the village at night.

After carrying out the attack, the group then fled using a motorcycle. One of the reasons why the Separatist Movement must be eradicated because the group seems to be continuing to provoke and invite the people of Papua to anti against the Indonesian government, even done through routine worship by a group called NRFPB (Federal Republic of West Papua State) NRFPB itself appealed to worshipers not to reduce the spirit of the referendum struggle and the liberation of the land of Papua. This of course is misleading and can damage the sense of unity in the Republic of Indonesia.

Then when the headquarters of the West Papua National Committee (KNPB) was demolished, Indonesian and international people were wide-eyed with the discovery of 115 arrows along with 22 crossbows, 1 ax, 2 machetes, 2 air rifles, the Morning Star patterned attributes such as wooden boards, Noken bags, bracelets and headbands and other evidence, including the safekeeping of three Papuan teachers and young men who were students from Bandung, West Java. OPM’s actions are clearly humanitarian crimes and OPM is not only an organization selling false hopes for Papuan welfare but also a criminal and terror group that must be immediately eradicated by the state.

The series of atrocities certainly cannot be tolerated, the Separatists only want to create a false imagination by carrying out acts of terror that disturb the public. From this fact and the various resistance that still occur today, of course the separatist group deserves to be eradicated from the Republic of Indonesia. Those who fry the issue of human rights only make it a process of seeking the attention of foreign countries.

) * The writer is a Papuan student living in Yogyakarta

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