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Supports the dissolution of the Anti Pancasila Mass Organization


By: Raditya Rahman) *

The process of extending the Registered Certificate (SKT) of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) still faces a steep road. This was in line with the discovery of the concept of khilafah in the FPI’s Statutes of the Family (AD / ART) which was clearly in conflict with Pancasila. FPI is also still regarded as a group that often causes trouble and vigilantism, so it is fitting to be disbanded.

In an organization, AD / RT planning is considered to have an important role. Because it will become the basis of work and as a security system at work. So that performance in an organization is increasingly directed. AD itself has an understanding in the form of a statute in which the basic pattern or rule of law is set out to run the wheels of organization. AD has a global nature, meaning that it only explains it mechanically. while ART: in the form of a household budget is specifically explained what is in the AD, even detailed something that is not peeled in AD. If the implementation of AD / RT is murky how can the Organization be able to run well?

FPI, which is famous for quite large Islamic organizations in Indonesia, is stumbling on problems. Because the AD / RT polemic in the body of the organization is considered to be distorted. Based on the contents of article 6 of the 2013 FPI National Conference Decree number: TAP / 06 / MNS-III / FPI / SYAWWAL / 1434 H and set forth in the FPI ART. Have a purpose
“Upholding the Islamic Khilafah state in this era is not by removing the NKRI and other Islamic countries such as Saudi, Egypt, Yemen, Turkey, Pakistan, Malaysia, Brunei and so on. However, by synergizing the cooperative relations of all Islamic countries, especially OIC members ( Islamic Cooperation Organization), in order to eliminate all existing barriers between these countries.
This is suspected to be one of the reasons for the Ministry of Home Affairs, Tito Karnavian not to issue a Registered Certificate (SKT) for FPI. Tito, assessed that the Islamic Organizations did not explain the internal conflict resolution clause in the Articles of Association / Bylaws.
However, this was denied by the FPI general chairperson, Sobri Lubis, who in turn questioned Tito’s statement. He claimed that the clause was clear, only that there was conflict. He also stressed that the completion of the problems within the body of FPI had been delegated to Islam, which FPI itself adhered to the Imamat system. So if there is a problem, then this Imam will act to solve it.
Previously the Director of the Ministry of Home Affairs Community Organization Lutfi also said that FPI had not yet included one of the AD / ART that was required in law. Because, according to him in the AD / ART must contain kalausal about resolving internal conflicts. He considered if loading the clause was constrained by the mechanism of the National Conference which could only be carried out once every 7 years. Which then made it difficult for FPI itself.

In line with Lutfi’s statement, FPI acknowledged that there was a concept of khilafah nubuwwah in its AD / ART, so that it had not been given a recommendation from the Ministry of Religion, regarding SKT (Registered Confidence Letter). FPI has not even made a proposal to renew the SKT extension. It seems that the 6 articles in the AD / RT have problems so that they stall in the Religion department.

FPI has planned to explain explicitly related to the Khilafah nubuwwah to the Ministry of Religion, so that the recommendation letter is immediately issued. FPI spokesperson Slamet Maarif said the Ministry of Religion lacked understanding of the Nubuwwah khilafah. Slamet even felt hampered by the Ministry of Religion in completing the documents in order to submit an application for SKT extension to the Ministry of Home Affairs.

SKT has not been issued until there is a suggestion that this Islamic organization disbanded is not without reason. It is known in the AD / ART, FPI wants to take 10 steps to realize the nubuwwah caliphate. One of them is, FPI wants to improve the function and role of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC). In addition, FPI wants to form a market, a parliament, along with a defense pact discourse with the Islamic world.

Including will homogenize the use of currency, the dinar. It is likely that this was assessed by the Ministry of Religion to cause problems so it would never approve the SKI FPI. President Jokowi himself also mentioned the fate of the SKT FPI as a mass organization that was not immediately extended. Jokowi added, if the government could not extend the SKT if FPI was considered to threaten ideology and also state security.

Judging from the steps taken by FPI to realize its logical prophecy, how can a country have two different currencies? That’s just one, what about the other nine steps? Naturally, the Ministry of Religion slowed down the issuance of the SKT of this Islamic organization, even with the President’s statement which would not issue an SKT extension because it deviated from ideology and threatened state security. Including the discourse of establishing the Khilafah Islamiyah.

) * The author is a social political observer

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