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Supports the Superior HR Development Program


By: Almira Fadhillah )*

In the second period of his administration, President Jokowi was committed to developing superior human resources. This was done in anticipation of increasingly fierce global competition. The development of superior human resources is also believed to be the key to developing Indonesia in the future.

We cannot deny if global competition is currently very tight. In fact, the intense competition has also made the current global economic conditions uncertain. These conditions require Indonesia to continue to be consistent in increasing economic growth so as not to lose and be able to survive in global competition.

Luckily Indonesia has a demographic bonus and an extraordinary gift of natural resources. However, this is certainly not enough. If Indonesian people cannot process it properly, surely all the bonuses and wealth will just be wasted. In fact, demographic bonuses that are not managed properly will actually make Indonesia stump (loss). Just imagine if the population with working age is full without the ability to work well enough to answer the work needs and challenges of global competition, of course the number of unemployed will increase and could have an impact on slowing economic growth.

The good news our President is aware of the great potential of Human Resources that Indonesia has. He made superior Human Resource Development a top priority in the second period of his reign. He in his speech at the plenary session, said that:

“Our main priority going forward is the development of a well-consolidated human resource, supported by a budget that is right on target so that there is an increase in labor productivity through a clear, measurable road map, and the results can be enjoyed by the community.”

Starting in 2019, Human Resource Development (HR) will become the main stream in the future Indonesian development strategy. Human Resource Development (HR) is an important factor in winning global competition. This is not only the duty of the government, but a joint task that requires the support of various parties.

With the Excellence in Human Resource Development (HR) which is supported by the whole nation, in fact we are moving towards Superior Indonesia. In addition, building Indonesian people also means investing in the future and paving the way for Forward Indonesia.

The development and strengthening of human resources to become a superior Indonesia is closely related to increasing productivity and quality of work to enhance economic growth. Building hardworking, dynamic, skilled, mastering science and technology, human resources will invite global talents to work with us.

We should be grateful because since the first period President Joko Widodo has succeeded in establishing a basic foothold to advance human development. The massive development of infrastructure and the concept of Indonesia Sentris are expected to support the acceleration of human resource development in Indonesia.

However the development of human resources will become a necessity for an advanced nation, because the real progress of a nation cannot be seen from the amount of natural resources it has, or from how high its economic growth is, but it is also seen from all its human capabilities. Let us together support the human resource development program for Superior Indonesia, for Advanced Indonesia.

)* The writer is a graduate student at Univ. Gunadarma.

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