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Suppress Radical Understanding


By: Muhammad Zaki) *

Radicalism is still considered a serious threat to the survival of the life of the nation and state. This anti-Pancasila ideology is considered to be able to damage harmony between communities and create national disintegration. Deputy V Presidential Chief of Staff (KSP) Jaleswari Pramodharwani acknowledged that the problem of radicalism in Indonesia had begun to increase in the last 10 years.
He said, for the past 10 years, the alarm of the radicalism movement in Indonesia had actually sounded. Including when Indonesia is conducting an election agenda and the decline in the quality of tolerance in Indonesia.

Spokesperson for the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) Wawan Purwanto said young people aged 17-24 were very vulnerable to being exposed to radicalism and terrorism, because in that phase they were still in the phase of searching for identity so they were easily influenced. In addition, they have relatively no dependents. He also stressed many cases of terrorism such as suicide bombings involving young children because there are underlying factors. One factor is not critical in considering something including the swift flow of radical ideas that target young people.

BIN also continues to carry out public literacy, digital literacy, including cyber patrols to conduct early detection and also report quickly. It also continues to make efforts to approach including those whose families are exposed to radicalism and terrorism. Deputy Youth Development Ministry of Youth and Sports Asrorun Ni’am Soleh acknowledged, that currently there is a real threat, which is related to extremity because they feel super, whether it is a matter of religious understanding, ethnicity issues. If this is not watched out, it will certainly become a threat to national integration.

It is important to campaign for moderation in religious and national attitudes. You do this by instilling the values ​​of togetherness, openness, diversity and gradually at the community level. He also said that the majority of Indonesian people were still in a moderate attitude in the life of the nation and state. Acting Head of Public Relations Bureau of the Ministry of Communication and Information Ferdinandus Setu said, overall since 2009 it has blocked more than 11,800 sites and social media accounts related to radicalism and terrorism.

This is certainly a very serious effort from the Ministry of Communication and Information in dealing with radicalism and terrorism by collaborating with the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) and the State Intelligence Agency (BIN). In addition to blocking, Kemenkominfo also has digital literacy which campaigns for how to be wise in social media and to use the internet properly. In terms of education, radicalization can also be resisted through the curriculum, as was done by IAIN Jember, where the institution paid more attention to the understanding of Pancasila for its students. The process is embedded in a number of courses and citizenship education becomes part of the curriculum.

Therefore, in the second period of Jokowi’s administration, he will prioritize the development of the quality of Human Resources (HR) based on Pancasila. All of this was done so that the strengthening of Pancasila would emerge in the community. The problem is, radical groups that are anti-NKRI from the start, will be difficult to be awakened only by understanding and appreciation of Pancasila. It is precisely when they are treated with Pancasila, it is not impossible that they will become more resistant.

In this case the role of educational institutions is very important in suppressing Radical ideology. Because in these educational institutions there are teachers, lecturers and instructors who will provide lessons and knowledge to their students. But of course it also needs to be ensured that educators are also far from being exposed to radicalism, especially if there are teachers who are found to refuse to pay homage to the Red and White flag.

The community must also gain understanding to be aware of the spread of radical ideas in the name of religion. Synergy between ministries and institutions must also be improved. In counteracting radicalism, the family also plays a role in providing good understanding of religion to their children, the lack of time parents to educate religion to their children can make the child and then look for his own religious studies, so in the end it is not impossible that studies that smell of provocation will make it change become a radical.

There is no place for radicalism in Indonesia, radicalism is not a solution to the problems of the nation, instead radicalism is only a threat to the diversity that we have long cherished.

) * The author is a social political observer

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