Tapera Regulation for Citizen Welfare

By: Amir Rachman *)
Jakarta, CIDISS – Citizen housing needs is continuously increasing from year to year. The population growth is increasing paralel with the Housing needs. Various government policies continues to be done to facilitate the public in obtaining home, especially low-income communities (MBR). One of the latest government policy is the introduction of Law Tapera or Savings for Housing.
Tapera legislation intended as a source of housing finance and retirement. Collecting and providing low-cost funds for sustainable long-term mortgage financing in order to fulfill the needs of decent and affordable houses. Chairman of the Special Committee for Discussion of the Tapera Regulation, Umarhadi Yoseph said Tapera fundraising results can only be used by participants Tapera alone. For participants with low income Tapera can utilize these funds to finance housing finance programs at reasonable cost. As for those who earn above average wages can take the proceeds of their savings after retirement.
The law requires all participants Tapera including private employee or Civil servant’s salary cut 3 percent. Funds raised will be administered by the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing. 3 percent of the revenue pieces are subsidized by the government for which 0.5 percent comes from the state budget, and 2.5 percent of the dues of the workers, so workers have the excess profits in the presence of such subsidies.
Nevertheless, variety of rejection comes from entrepreneurs. They considered that the Act Tapera will only burden the company’s finances, so worried about the decline in the company’s financial condition that results in policies Termination or layoff. Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Indonesia, Rosan Roeslani respond to the Tapera Act negatively and were sure that the majority of Tapera deposit fee will be charged to employers.
Tapera Law is no need to worry because it will improve the welfare of the Indonesian people, especially the low-income. The law is expected to reduce the problems experienced by workers. Implementation of the rules Tapera also need a watchful eye. The number of participants involved will be cracks for corruption. It is the responsibility of us all to oversee the implementation of Law Tapera that the overall benefit of these rules ari for many people’s lives.
*) Social observer of CIDISS