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The Best Presidential Candidate Named Joko Widodo


By: Marcelina Sutopo *
Surya Paloh considered that candidate number 01 Joko Widodo was the best presidential candidate at the moment. That is one reason why the NasDem Party which it founded did not doubt at all about Jokowi’s nomination for the second time in the 2019 Presidential Election.
“The best is for sure, what are the reasons? If I know it’s not the best then I support it, then there are no more people who are more careless than me. It’s a big mistake if we don’t provide support to Jokowi, “Surya said on the sidelines of his political visit in Batam, Pontianak and several other cities.
The Chairperson of the NasDem Party said that Jokowi was able to bring a better direction for the Indonesian nation. During his tenure in the first period since 2014, Jokowi has been able to accelerate significant infrastructure development.
In Jokowi, Surya considers that there is a hard-working figure who always wants to move quickly.
“In Jokowi’s self, I saw he was a hard worker who always wanted to move quickly and be quick in making decisions. Jokowi turned out to have talents that not necessarily all people have, “said Surya.
Surya Paloh also ensured that the presidential candidate he supported did not have any strings attached when he served as a president. Jokowi’s family also does not have anyone involved in matters that utilize his power as a leader of the state.
“There are no family members who are involved in the business of arranging the right and left. All look humble and can respect all parties by being able to accept criticism, “he said.
Previously Jokowi was often attacked with various oblique news such as Jokowi Anti-Islam, Since Jokowi became president, many scholars were criminalized. But Surya Paloh denied all the news and he was convinced that Jokow was a person who really practiced the value of Islamic law.
“For Allah’s sake, I say Jokowi runs Shariah values ​​better than I speak,”
Himself as Muslims feel proud to give support to Jokowi as the leader of the nation. According to him, if there were those who considered that Jokowi was a deterrent or anti-Islam, it meant that he had been provoked and incited by the issue.
Even so, Surya Paloh also invited the community to pray for people who labeled Jokowi as a religionist to be forgiven by God. He also told of his experience with Joko Widodo.
“I sometimes have to acknowledge the discipline he has higher, when I visit the NasDem office, the one he asks for, I beg your permission, please excuse me, pray first, luckily there are still rooms in the prayer mat we prepare, if I’m not ready at that room was how embarrassed I was when a president asked permission to pray because the time had come, and that was Jokowi, “explained the sun.
The advisory board of the National Campaign Team (TKN) of Jokowi – Ma’ruf said he was honest and honest about Jokowi’s Islamic and disciplined attitude.
“Almost all the presidents I know personally, except Bung Karno, I declare that there are children of the nation who are more obedient in carrying out Islamic Shari’a in front of my eyes, my name is back again, I call, Jokowi,”
Lanjut Surya Paloh also invited Jokowi’s supporters to convince the public that the former DKI Jakarta Governor was not a contender for Islam or anti-ulama.
On a different occasion, Surya once said that Indonesia still needed restoration and strengthening efforts in all aspects of national life. As in NasDem’s commitment and vision – mission. “What we can try to offer to be accepted and eventually become a policy and policy from the government, and we believe, the one who is most interested in implementing it is Joko Widodo.
He also did not care if the attitude of the NasDem Party was more concerned with the presidential / vice presidential spouse than the candidates themselves were rumors. Because according to him the meaning of the existence of NasDem in addition to partying is to carry out the national mission. He also emphasized that Jokowi deserved a return to the mandate of the Indonesian people to continue their leadership for 2 periods. He also hopes that this can be realized.

  • The author is a Social Media Activist

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