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The Dawn Attack, Always?


CIDISS. Implementation of regional head elections simultaneously in Indonesia is a new breakthrough by the government to save operational costs of the implementation of regional head elections that were once done partially. As we know that the implementation of the democratic party requires no small cost, because everything that is prepared relates to money, ranging from payment of honorarium to the installation of campaign props required. Given the magnitude of the cost, the government berinsiatif to make savings so that the election of regional heads will be done simultaneously.

By knowing the high cost of running the operation of regional head elections simultaneously, the community would expect that the election conducted can create leaders who are able to manage the area so that it can be more advanced and prosperous. However, it is common knowledge that almost all candidates make money politics to get sympathy from the public. Although this is actually the wrong way, but the candidate pairs still do so that the greater potential of victory. Of the several modes for making money politics, one of them is by doing dawn attack.

When the candidate pair of local election candidates do not have a clear program, in the polls always lower numbers, have no experience in the world of politics enough and there is a tendency to be defeated, then money politics will be halalkan. Approaching the sacred day of simultaneous regional head elections throughout Indonesia, namely June 27, 2018, the fragrant odor of “dawn attack” began to be fragrant. Of course, the name of the dawn attack in the election process of the regional head means that for the money that is clearly prohibited alias illegal, but although clearly prohibited by Bawaslu, certainly a lot of candidates for regional head who try to take advantage of opportunities in narrow.

The dawn attack can be likened to gambling with fate. Usually the politician who likes to distribute his money will consider it part of the investment cost, if he wins, of course with a little trickery, the investment money can come back again, maybe even increase in value. Mentioned as gambling because if the strategy fails, then the defeated party will suffer the greatest loss. Nevertheless, it is hoped that the election of regional heads this time can produce a qualified regional head and able to increase regional development.

By: Mirwan Achmad*)

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