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The Death of Science in the Shadow of the Hoax in the Young Generation in Welcoming Indonesia’s Advanced Development “Industrial Revolution 4.0 Triggers Competition between Humans and Machines”


By: Fardan Abdul Basith

“Only a nation that dares to take fate in its own hands will be able to stand strong” – (Sukarno).

The current situation is the Industrial Revolution 4.0, which is a fundamental change in the social nature of society briefly in industrial economic activities related to all sectors of the industrial economy. Prof. Schawab explained, the 4.0 industrial revolution had fundamentally changed human life and work. Unlike the previous industrial revolution, the industrial revolution 4.0 has a wider scale, scope and complexity.

The rise of hoaxes (hoaxes or fake news) has clearly threatened social order, but the most dangerous is ideologically motivated namely religious radicalism. That in the context of democracy in the nation and religion. In this case, the concept of nationalism becomes fundamental knowledge to continue to be fostered in youth which will reduce the potential for conflicts that arise in our society. “Our ideology, Pancasila has encompassed democracy and guaranteed freedom for citizens in the form of harmony and remains in the shade of deliberations and values ​​of Pancasila that our predecessors had hoped for.

Quoting the opening speech ahead of the reading of the Proclamation of Independence, Sukarno stated that “Only a nation that dares to take its fate in its own hands will be able to stand strong”. This shows that Sukarno was convinced that the Indonesian nation was ready to take on a new life, that belief certainly could not be separated from the preparations that had been built by Sukarno and all supporters of Indonesian independence. One of them is the formulation of the concept of Pancasila as the basis of an independent Indonesian state.

This change raises several views, some see this as an opportunity for Indonesia to grow the economy further, but others see this as a threat where Indonesia can lose its competitiveness in regional markets. This of course will add to the burden of local and national problems. The progress of science and technology as a trigger for the industrial revolution was also followed by implications such as human vs. machine competition, and the demands for increasingly high competencies.

This competition is getting tougher amidst the swift development of science and technology in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era. All countries are competing to produce inventions and innovations by strengthening research and quality in various aspects. Human resources with high competence and competitiveness are the key to win this competition in the 4.0 Industrial Revolution era.

Hoax is not new, but its circulation today is very massive because of the development of smartphones. Hoax is a falsehood that is deliberately made and disguised as truth can also incite and lie. MUI itself issued a fatwa in bermuamalah in social media regulated in MUI Fatwa Number 24 of 2017 concerning Prohibited Spread of Lying News. In the context of the rule of law, Indonesia itself has regulated the issue of hoax as stipulated in the ITE Law regarding the punishment for hoax spreaders threatened with a maximum of 6 years in prison and a fine of 1 billion. “

We all realize that in the next 5 years Indonesia’s development is faced with significant challenges in the field of technology industry issues, this indicates that there is a need for behavioral interventions that can change the socio-cultural structure of society towards a revolution of awareness and improvement of mentality in the youth sector as a successor to the future leadership stage, this is key in increasing the capacity of human resources that must produce ideas and ideas in the environmental, social, cultural, religious, educational and escorting political ideology of the Indonesian nation in the future, even though the public will be able to distinguish patterns of information presented on social media in particular so as not to impact ambiguous stigma presented in the future development of media information can be able to actively control actively in filtering the issues that come to it and can confirm in advance since in his mind.

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