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The Element Young Leader 212 Refuses Decision of Ijtima Ulama II in Support of Prabowo Sandi


CIDISS. Last year precisely on February 21st , 2017, a number of people held a demonstration called “Action 212”, taking place in the Senayan House of Representatives, Central Jakarta. The action initiated by the Islamic Community Forum (FUI) was attended by the high priest Fornt Islamic Defenders. Muhammad Rizieq Shihab, after carrying out the action of 212 volumes, there were some of the action participants who gathered again. They form the Alumni Association 212 (PA 212).

The association was considered not to involve all elements of the organization and the community who attended the 212 action activities, one of which was the youth element of Action 212 which consisted of a number of youth organizations, this young element association was very concerned with the increasingly dynamic political dynamics ahead of the 2019 Election, because found an effort to drive the spirit of action 212 towards practical politics which made the position of PA 212 choose one pair of candidates for President and Vice President. Activists from young organizations and student organizations rejected the decision of Volume II of the Ulema Council which was won by the GNPF Ulama.

This refusal was done because it did not want the action 212 to be used for certain political interests, and hoped the presidential and vice presidential candidates, the success team, and volunteers to avoid the issue of Sara’s issue in the 2019 presidential election campaign. They considered that GNPF itself was initiated by PA 212, while the GNPF scholars through the Ijtima Ulama Volume II supports the pair of candidates for President and Vice President Prabowo Subian and Sandiaga Uno.

General Chairperson of the Islamic Youth Center Movement (PP GPI) period 2015-2017, Karman BM emphasized, “Besides that we did not discuss this, yes, this is purely emphasized that we are young people, in the process of heading for the 2019 Presidential Election, we expect the Election participants, going up were presidential and vice presidential candidates, the success team and volunteers avoided the issue of the Sara issue, “Karman said in a press conference in the Matraman Region, East Jakarta, Thursday (9/20).

By: Rikky, S *)

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