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The Government Will Not Apply Herd Immunity Policy


By: Deka Prawira) *

Herd immunity will not be applied by the government. When Covid-19 can not be crushed 100 percent, then to overcome it not this way, but by treating patients and preventing its spread with the rules of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB), stay at home. So there will be no PSBB relaxation on the grounds of forming herd immunity.

Covid-19 disease, which has not yet left Indonesia, increasingly worries many people. They are afraid that they will be infected and that their families are protected from the Covid-19 virus. Then there is the grapevine herd immunity as a way to overcome Covid-19. Communal immunity that will protect people who are easily sick, so it will not be infected with the Covid-19 virus.

The government stated this through the Presidential Staff Office (KSP). Donny Gahral Adian, the main expert at KSP denied the issue of herd immunity’s plan to deal with Covid-19, because it was only a discourse. Moreover, those who raised the issue were not directly from the ministry of health or the president. So don’t be trusted just like that.

 Large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) rules will not be relaxed to shape the immunity. The people are asked to be orderly and remain silent at home plus maintain health, and do not violate PSBB. Be patient for a moment and remember that all this is for the sake of our mutual salvation.

There is indeed a discourse to loosen PSBB but with a note that the Covid-19 patient curve has been sloping and the number of people affected by the Covid-19 virus has actually decreased. Only then can these social restrictions be relaxed and the community can carry out activities as usual, although they still have to wear protection from masks. But now, the number of patients infected with Covid-19 is increasing. In fact, once reached 900 new patients at the end of the month of Ramadan yesterday.

The community was also asked not to believe the news that this June schools, markets and malls will be opened. There is already a circular circulating as if issued by the government, that in 15 June students are allowed to study again at school. But apparently it was not an official statement, but the act of an irresponsible person.

Do not believe if you read circular pieces and also news especially if only obtained from broadcast via the WA group. PSBB will still be implemented with a strict protocol. The police are always on standby and guarding the city borders and toll roads, to keep the flow going. All this is done because we want the pandemic to pass.

To end the Covid-19 pandemic, the way is to obey the rules of staying at home and when forced out of the house, must wear a mask and always wash hands. So, the way to deal with Covid-19 virus is not by forming herd immunity, because in reality more people are infected with Covid-19. While healthy people cannot provide protection for their immunity, because it also has the potential to carry the virus or even be infected.

We also can still increase immunity by eating vegetables and fruit and drinking water. Also do regular exercise so that the body is fitter. Also keep clean and always diligently wash your hands or bring a hand sanitizer. So when the body is healthy and we are disciplined to wear masks when traveling, we will not be easily infected with the Covid-19 virus.

PSBB will not be relaxed and people are asked to be disciplined in order to maintain body immunity and also cleanliness, because there are still many patients with the Covid-19 virus. There are no plans for a herd immunity strategy to overcome Covid-19, because healthy people can still be infected and cannot protect those who are potentially sick with their immunity. Be patient to obey the rules and pray that the Covid-19 pandemic will soon pass.

) * Active writer in the Jakarta Press Circle and Students

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