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The Job Creation Law Prevents Illegal Levies


By: Florenzia Parahahita) *
The government has initiated the birth of the Job Creation Law in order to summarize existing regulations in Indonesia. One of the positive contributions of the Job Creation Law is that it can prevent the practice of extortion which has the potential to emerge in managing business permits.
The implementation of Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation (Ciptaker) is believed to increase the ease of doing business in Indonesia.
This is because the Job Creation Law was made to simplify, synchronize and trim regulations because of the many rules and regulations that hinder job creation both at the central and regional levels.
Dr Sadino, as a legal practitioner and lecturer at the University of Al Azhar Indonesia, said the main objective of the creation of the Job Creation Law was of course to attract investment and create the widest possible employment opportunities for workers in Indonesia. Do not let the existing regulations make it difficult for seekers and employers both at the central and regional levels.
Sadino said the Job Creation Law can provide convenience, protection and empowerment for cooperatives and MSMEs as well as national industry and trade.
This is an effort to be able to absorb the workforce as widely as possible while still paying attention to the balance and progress between regions in the unity of the national economy.
Therefore, this Job Creation Law must be able to guarantee every citizen to get a job and to get compensation and fair and proper treatment in an employment relationship.
The important point of implementing the Job Creation Law in economic recovery is in terms of developing MSMEs and cooperatives.
This regulation also offers various kinds of business convenience and protection for MSMEs. But it must be borne in mind that this Job Creation Law must make adjustments to various regulatory aspects related to alignments, strengthening and protection for cooperatives and MSMEs as well as national industries.
He believed that by encouraging the growth and development of MSMEs, he would be able to contribute to creating new jobs for the wider community.
Moreover, MSMEs are the largest providers of employment for Indonesians. Where more than 97 percent of workers in Indonesia work in the MSME sector.
In addition, adjustments to various regulatory aspects related to improving the investment ecosystem, facilitating and accelerating national strategic projects oriented to national interests based on national science and technology based on the ideology of Pancasila must be carried out.
This academic from Al Azhar also admits that the Job Creation Law or Omnibus Law is something new for Indonesia.
Therefore, it needs to be studied and understood properly so that implementation and implementation can run well. Moreover, this concerns the ease of investment and job creation.
This Job Creation Law will simplify the bureaucracy, so it is hoped that extortionists will find it difficult to act, this of course will reduce and prevent the practice of KKN. Moreover, licensing can be done online.
Airlangga Hartarto, as the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, assessed that the Job Creation Law was launched to provide several empowerment instruments for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) actors. In addition, the rules set forth in Law Number 11 of 2020 also carry out regulatory reform and are expected to transform economic activities.
Previously, Legal Expert from Padjajaran University Professor Romli Atmasasmita considered the Omnibus Law of the Job Creation Law to prevent potential corruption at the bureaucratic level. This can be seen from the efforts of the law which are able to cut licensing steps in investment and in the establishment of MSMEs.
Romli assessed that the Job Creation Law simplified the lengthy procedure. So that the opportunities for naughty officials and bureaucrats will certainly be difficult. This will make a number of parties angry so that they reject the Job Creation Law.
He said, so far, many developments have been hampered by the actions of a handful of people who have been caught by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). Romli suspects this is the reason why the licensing process has been cut and accelerated in the end.
Romli said, if a development project is underway and when an official or bureaucrat is caught, the project will stop. In fact, the investment value is large. The project was stopped only because a handful of people committed corrupt practices.
The convoluted licensing process is of course a gap in the practice of KKN, so summarizing the regulations with the issuance of the Job Creation Law is a breakthrough for the realization of bureaucratic transparency.
) * The author is a contributor to the Cikini Press Circle and Students

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