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The Khilafah Is Not Suitable For Indonesia


By: Muhammad Zaki) *

Opinion, suaradewata.com – Indonesia is a Pancasila country and unfortunately there are people who want to destroy the country’s resilience. You do this by forming organizations that want to form a caliphate state. They clearly committed treason, because they wanted to change the basis of the state and never recognized the existence of a president in Indonesia.

Since 1945 it has been agreed that Indonesia is a democracy. Long before independence, in 1928, youth from various regions agreed to unite in the youth oath. This country is made up of many tribes, as well as religions. If viewed from its history, the concept of a state cannot be replaced by a caliphate, because it is not in accordance with the conditions of the people.

The caliphate organization entered Indonesia in 1983. They are targeting the campus and influencing the younger generation, so that they want to be invited to form a caliphate state. This organization has been disbanded, but unfortunately there are former members who still want to revive it. For the sake of the ambition of establishing a country with their own concept.

Even though the concept is clearly wrong. For them, the caliphate is the unity of many countries so that there is only 1 leader. Yet in the world there are more than 200 countries, with many ethnicities and religions. They cannot just be made 1 and forced to obey their rules. Moreover, they forced their will and used violent means to establish a caliphate.

Alissa Wahid from the Gusdurian network stated that understanding the caliphate was tantamount to dissolving Indonesia. Because they want to establish a new country. This is annoying because they impose uniformity in a country. Even though we are a country with multi-culture, ethnicity, and especially religion. Cannot be united into a caliphate.

Alissa quoted Gus Dur’s words that Indonesia exists because of diversity. If in 1945 there was no agreement from the fighters from various regions to unite, it would be difficult for the Indonesian state to form. Caliph organizations deserve to be dissolved, because they are anti-diversity. The principle of the caliphate is also incompatible with Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.

Indonesia recognizes 6 religions and has people from various backgrounds, ethnicities, and others. The caliphate organization never tolerated pluralism and liked to impose its own opinion. So don’t let many people be influenced by their persuasion and forget that this country has diversity. Because they only have 1 system.

The guerrilla movement of the caliphate organization began to target many parties. Starting from campus, private employees, to schools. Many are unaware of their danger. there may be people who do not know the mode. Or lacking a sense of nationalism and patriotism. So I want to be invited to participate in the cadre, without thinking about the bad effects.

Caliphate organizations also take advantage of the lack of knowledge of common people, especially those in remote villages. They are easily persuaded and want to be invited to join the event. To go around spreading his teachings, even abroad. Unfortunately they even left the obligation to earn a living. The family kitchen turned upside down because of this mistake.

We have to be careful of their mode and also take care of the extended family of the forbidden organization. They are good at seducing then telling the greatness of the caliphate and promising a lot in heaven, if anyone wants to be invited to become a cadre. Even though no human can guarantee other people to go to heaven. Parents and other siblings should be told this.

The Khilafah organized an underground movement to spread its teachings and look for new cadres. The caliphate system was prohibited because it was not in accordance with Pancasila and the principles that were held by the promoters before forming Indonesia. We are a diverse nation and respect each other. Can not be merged into one with the caliphate system.

) * The author is an active student in the Jakarta Student Movement

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