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The National Capital (IKN) Becomes a Magnet for Investors


By: Devi Putri Anjani )*

Jakarta – The National Capital City (IKN) is increasingly in demand by various investors. With so many investments, it becomes one of the indicators of a country’s progress.

Indonesia made new history by moving its capital city from DKI Jakarta to North Penajam Paser, East Kalimantan. IKN which is named ‘Nusantara’ is very strategic because it is in the middle of this country. Nusantara is predicted to become an ultra-modern city and the pride of Indonesia, because its design is not only aesthetically pleasing but also environmentally friendly.

In developing the national capital, the government is working hard to make it happen. Development projects must be prepared carefully because this is a giant project and must be carried out carefully. Investors are also allowed to support the development of IKN because they are protected by the government.

Head of the National Capital City Authority of the Archipelago (IKN) Bambang Susantono, noted that until the end of January 2023, more than 100 investors had expressed interest in investing in IKN, and 90 investors had submitted  Letters of Intent  to the Authority.

Bambang continued, investors are interested in a number of investment sectors, including: infrastructure and utilities with 25 investors, education with 15 investors, consulting with 14 investors, housing with 10 investors, commercial with 9 investors, technology with 6 investors, health with 5 investors and offices with 6 investors.

In a sense, the large number of investors shows that IKN is very promising. The development of IKN is not just an ordinary project, but a very large project and forms a modern and green capital city. IKN’s unique concept, coupled with plans to use environmentally friendly vehicles (electric cars), has made foreign investors increasingly convinced that it is a city of a promising future.

Investors have great confidence and they believe that IKN will become a modern city with high prospects. Where East Kalimantan is still green, it will be ‘transformed’ into a sophisticated and tourist-friendly area. However, tourism development in IKN is still within reasonable limits so it is guaranteed not to damage the environment on the island of Borneo.

Meanwhile, Head of the National Planning and Development Agency (Bappenas) Suharso Monoarfa also stated that many investors wanted to join the IKN development project. Therefore, the master plan will continue to be perfected.

In a sense, IKN will encourage increased investment in Indonesia. The city isn’t finished yet but the investors are already lining up to take part in its construction. IKN is the future of Indonesia and a dream city, which is modern and all digital. It is very natural for investors to want to enter the IKN project because it is guaranteed to be profitable.

Meanwhile, Edy Suwardi, Chair of the East Kalimantan Anti-Corruption Movement (Gerak), said that the relocation of the IKN to East Kalimantan was a boon for the community because it would have a positive impact on improving the economy, infrastructure development, education and health for the people of East Kalimantan. 

According to him, the East Kalimantan anti-corruption people’s movement is ready to oversee the development of the Archipelago IKN and if there are individuals who hinder the development of the IKN, we are ready to collaborate with the Indonesian National Police and the Government to succeed in the development of the Archipelago IKN.

Investors are very interested in investing because Kalimantan has a lot of potential, from natural resources, mining materials to human resources. This potential will be processed and become superior. Apart from that, a native from Kalimantan also joined in and was proud because the more investors, the more employees, and the unemployment rate can be reduced there.

In building IKN, they cooperate with the government and help create a sophisticated and dynamic capital city. Even though IKN has not been officially established and is in the early stages of development, investors believe that Indonesia’s future lies in Kalimantan, especially Penajam Paser Utara.

Investors will want to invest in IKN because Kalimantan is equipped with infrastructure and that is indeed their requirement before investing. The government has been promoting national strategic projects for several years, not only in Java but throughout Indonesia. If there is infrastructure in Kalimantan, it will be more convincing for investors.

If there is investment, it can boost the economy because if they enter Indonesia, there will be many cooperation projects. Especially if it is held at the IKN in Kalimantan. These projects will attract a large number of prospective workers and eradicate unemployment. If many work, many will also receive a salary, so that people’s purchasing power increases and stimulates the Indonesian economy.

Therefore, as good citizens, the community is obliged to support investors entering Indonesia. The existence of investors is not a colonialist like a company. Rather, they are parties who want to work together and develop the business, and jointly build the IKN as perfect as possible.

Don’t think negatively and accuse foreign investors of being the enemy. It could be that people like that forget that during the New Order era, aka dozens of years ago, there had been a lot of investment from foreign businessmen. One indicator of a country’s progress is investment, therefore the government is trying hard to keep investors coming and pouring funds into IKN.

The increasingly massive development of Nusantara’s IKN has made investors more confident to invest their capital in Indonesia. It is not surprising that the existence of IKN will encourage increased investment. It will be very good because this investment will increase the country’s foreign exchange and prosper the Indonesian people. 

)* The author is a Media Ambassador Contributor

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