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The Need for Synergy of All Parties to Prevent Radicalism


By: Farhan Trias H. *

The rise of the spread of radical ideas is increasingly massive in the country. Not only in remote areas, now the spread of radicalism has begun to move within the apparatus and government institutions. Based on the results of an investigation by the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) there are dozens of mosques in government offices that have been exposed to radicalism.

BIN spokesman Wawan Hari Purwanto said the data was the result of a study by the Nahdlatul Ulama Islamic Boarding School and Community Development Association (P3M) some time ago. From the results of the P3M survey, there were 41 mosques in the Government Area exposed to radicalism. This has become an early warning for various authorities and authorities regarding the widespread spread of radicalism in society.

BIN also began to move by monitoring every sermon on environmental lectures by ministries and state-owned enterprises, so that conduciveness was maintained from the spread of radicalism including the expression of hatred towards certain circles. In addition, said, Wawan Hari Purwanto said that there should be an early effort to prevent the spread of radicalism in mosques from other religious leaders. One of them is empowering preachers, where Da’i can give lectures that soothe and fight radical notions in society.

Actually mosques are places of worship, where people build relationships with God by way of worship. With the lecture or sermon activity of course the Indonesian Mosque Council needs to routinely monitor the missionary activities of the mosque.

Mosques that are indicated as being exposed to radical understanding have characteristics such as sermon material or lectures that divide the national unity and the existence of hate speech in certain groups. The large number of mosques exposed to radicalism and intolerance occurs, this is caused by moderate Islamic groups who rarely preach or make lectures / studies. This condition is used by other Wahhabi groups to control the mosques and then spread radical smelling material through lectures or sermons.

The mosque administrators or takmir also need to be given an understanding of what radicalism is, and how to prevent radicalism. This needs to be pursued in order to keep the nation’s situation conducive. The hope is that the mosque can be a means to prosper the community. In this case the Ministry of Religion also gave a call to the public. If you find a speaker who calls for a message that smells of radicalism or intolerance, you can submit it to the takmir of the local mosque, so that you can respond more quickly.

In addition, the Government does need to crack down on radicalism findings that have used dozens of mosques as a means of disseminating misleading ideas. Because if not, the understanding of the Islamic community who worship in the mosques will be very easily influenced by the ideology of khilafah and disperse the Pancasila as the country’s current ideology. Therefore, the National Police, BNPT, TNI, and religious leaders were very vigorous in carrying out deradicalisation activities to mitigate and prevent radical teachings in the community.

*) The author is a Social Media Activist

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