The New Era of Indonesia’s Transportation

By: Randi Adyaksa *)
Jakarta, CIDISS – Indonesia high-speed railway is a new hope in answering citizen’s need for fast transportation. Mass transportation becomes a vital necessity for people in Jakarta and surrounding areas. Transport is crucial easier for people to move. The existence of fast trains will shorten the travel time between Jakarta to Bandung and provides many other positive impacts.
The construction of Indonesia high Seed railway is clearly beneficial both in terms of economics, technology and infrastructure. Infrastructure is an important factor supporting the development of a country. Developed country economies are definitely has a developed infrastructure as well. Japan, South Korea, and China are among the countries that are supported by a complete network infrastructure and modern. This development will create new jobs and technology transfer.
These high speed train route along the 142 kilometer (km) from Jakarta to Bandung will start operating in 2019. The presence of high speed trains will not only improve the quality of life of people, especially people of West Java and Jakarta, as could be enjoy a shorter trip time. This Development also have an impact on the economic growth, including small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The tourism sector will be affected by fast trains. It takes a much shorter increase the passion for the citizens of Jakarta to Bandung or otherwise, whether for business or leisure. This will impact on the hotel industry, restaurants and cafes are managed by SMEs will be more flourished.
World Bank study in 2013 showed that the presence of high speed trains in China increased 59 percent economic potential of cities are contacted by the train. Another fact, every 10 percent increase in the economic potential of cities that the train passed rapidly in China, contributing to an increase in real estate prices by 4.5 per cent in the cities. This proves that the investment in infrastructure resulted in increased property prices in a region or city. Therefore, the existence of fast trains in Indonesia is very important in improving the economy of the community and urban development in the region which pass by the high speed train. [RA]
*) Sosial-economic observer