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The new face of Indonesian Border in Jokowi Era


By: Choirul Fuadi)*

CIDISS – Border area is a area of a country that face directly to neighbor country. Indonesia has many areas that located in border and face directly to neighbor among land, water and air.  The border area that face directly among land, water and air , such Indonesia – Malaysia in Kalimantan, Indonesia – Timor Leste ini East Nusa Tenggara and Indonesia – Papua New Guinea in Merauke.

Since he has sworn to be Indonesian President, Ir H Joko Widodo or calles as Jokowi keep continue to build and accelerate in the border area, such in the infrastructure aspect.

After his inaugurated, he shows his care to visit the border area. Sebatik, one of the Islands that front, outsider in Indonesia, was visited by Jokowi in the early of his government. Sebatik is one of the islands that divided into two area, Sebatik Indonesia and Sebatik Malaysia.

In the infrastructure, Jokowi’s vision is to save the face of Indonesia through Indonesian border post. Two among them are in Nanga Badau in West Kalimantan and Motaain in East Nusa Tenggara.

Nanga Badau National Boundary Cross (PLBN) in Kapuas District, West Kalimantan has been rebuilt by President Jokowi. This new post was inaugurated on 16/3/2017 ago. While the border post Motaain inaugurated early on Wednesday, 28 December 2016. In Silawan Village, Tasifeto Timur District, Belu Regency, East Nusa Tenggara.

As the face of country, Jokowi stated, the Indonesian border do not look bad in the eyes of other countries, especially neighbor country. Then, Jokowi give command to maintain and build the building, including increasing the service quality.

Jokowi want all the cross border post in Indonesia better. Because according to him, it makes the people of Indonesia in Border become shame because the face of Indonesian cross border. For example, if the Border Post at Nangu Badau is compared to the Lubok Antu border post belonging to the state of Sarawak, Malaysia, look more modern.

The old face in border post Nangau Badau look bad, the building broken and paint fades. But now, it has changed and more magnificent. All the building has more beautiful and modern.

The Nanga Badau border post that was inaugurated is the first phase of development of PLBN core zone, on an area of 8.8 Ha with total building area of 7,619 m2 and construction cost of IDR 153 billion.

The Buildings located in the core zone include cross border post Main Building, Vehicle Inspection Post, Cargo Inspection Building, Utility Building, Monument, Arrival and Departure Gate, and Hardscape and Landscape area are expected to serve up to 360 passengers per day up to 2025.

The construction of Badau cross Building has face of the local culture of Borneo by adapting the special form of House Long building, the use of local ornaments, and the application of the principles of green building (green building).

Meanwhile, at the border post in Motaain, the Ministry of PUPR through the Directorate General (DGT) Cipta Karya undertook the construction of Motaain cross border replacing the old post on an area of 8.03 hectares. Construction began in 2015 with funding of IDR 82 billion.

PLBN Motaain building includes core zone consisting of PLBN main building, vehicle inspection building and power house.

The architecture of PLBN Motaain building adopted the architecture of traditional house of Belu people. While the sun shading ornaments on the roof of the building inspection of private vehicles to adapt local weaving patterns.

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