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The Papuan KKB Must Be Crushed


By: Sabby Kosay) *
The Armed Criminal Group (KKB) is a thorn in the flesh that always provokes society and hinders development in Papua. The community also supports the TNI / Polri to crush these groups that always act viciously and violate the law.
The Armed Criminal Group in Papua deserves to be crushed. Former Head of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) Sutiyoso once said that the separatist group could be more dangerous if left alone. Papua could be separated from Indonesia.
Furthermore, the 3-star general of the special forces command (Kopassus) said that currently what the KKB and other separatist groups in Papua are doing are trying to drag foreigners into Papua. You do this by making disturbances, causing riots. At the same time, they continued to campaign for independence abroad.
Sutiyoso explained that the KKB did not work alone, but there were other groups actively demanding independence. He revealed that there is the West Papua National Committee (KNPB) which has an army called the West Papua National Army (TNPB). They committed various crimes against humanity to achieve their goal, namely separation from the Republic of Indonesia.
Overseas, there is the ULMWP (United Liberation Movement for West Papua) which continues to campaign and seek support from other countries and guerrilla to the United Nations with human rights issues.
The efforts of these groups to become independent are carried out in various ways. The security disturbances they carried out were aimed at dragging the involvement of foreign parties into Papua. Moreover, they realized that their struggle could not have happened without involving foreign parties.
On a different occasion, Papua Police Chief Inspector General Paulus Waterpauw noted, the KKB in the Intan Jaya Regency area had committed at least 23 times of terror shootings and other cases of violence throughout 2020.
Paulus emphasized that the number of acts of violence committed by the KKB in the Intan Jaya area, Papua shows that this group is the group of people who have committed the most violations of human rights.
Based on intelligence reports, since October 2019 a number of KKB groups have begun to shift from the eastern region of Diamond Jaya such as the peak of Ilaga, Puncak Jaya, Tolikara, and even Lanny Jaya to the area around Sugapa. Some of these groups even entered the Tembagapura Mimika area in February 2020.
They all joined to enter the area to prepare the logistics they would prepare to fight in the Tembagapura area which they declared a battlefield, but they also continued to look for ammunition and firearms that they had seized from members of the Indonesian National Police.
Paulus also hopes that the Intan Jaya Regency Government will get involved in inviting the KKB to have a dialogue to end all forms of violence in the region.
At the end of 2020 the Mimika Police revealed that cases of violence by KKB shootings had increased and became the most prominent cases in 2020.
It was recorded that several KKBs carried out acts of shooting terror in Tembagapura to the shooting terror at the PT Freeport Indonesia administration head office in Kuala Kencana which occurred on March 30, 2020. In this incident, a foreign national (WNA) from New Zealand, Graeme Thomas Wall, died.
The action also prompted residents living in Tembagapura district to ask to be evacuated to Timika.
Kapolres Timika AKBP I Gusti Gde Era Adhinata said cases of shooting terror committed by KKB had increased because KKB in mountainous areas merged their groups and carried out acts of terror in the Tembagapura area. This condition made them more intense shooting actions.
He also hopes that by 2021 cases of violence can be reduced with the cooperation of all parties to create security and peace in the land of Papua.
The recent KKB violence involved the death of a citizen who was shot dead on the charge of being a spy for the TNI-Polri. After shooting a resident named Boni, KKB then sent a letter addressed to the TNI-Polri. In the letter, KKB claimed to have shot civilians living around the border between Sugapa District and Homeyo District.
In January 2021, personnel of Yonif Raider 400 / BR Prada Agus Kurniawan died in gunfire with KKB, the victim died from a shot in the back.
The actions of the KKB are of course intolerable, so the government, especially BIN, the Ministry of Defense and the Indonesian National Armed Forces, need to crush KKB in order to maintain the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia.

) * The author is a Papuan student living in Yogyakarta

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