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The Press and Millennial Generation are Ready to Guard Jokowi’s Government


By: Ahmad Suhardi) *

The press is considered the fourth pillar of democracy. The reason is that the Press is a media for delivering information to the public, so that the press can determine important information that is worthy of being discussed in the community. Likewise with the millennial generation who is popular with their young spirit, they should be able to make a real contribution to guard the Jokowi-Ma’ruf government.

The press has an important role in sharing information. No doubt, the variety of news coverage in the media can not be separated from the hard work of the press so far. However, if judged based on the Act that shelter the Law No. 40 of 1999 is a law formed by the reform government. The law was drafted to make new rules on a freer press but remain responsible. So that the Press is expected to be better at presenting more useful content.

However, in its delivery, the press should be able to choose themselves without distinguishing which news will damage the community and which will not. Likewise, the language used by the press should not be provocative. Or the language of information that does not divide the community, the implication is in efforts to maintain the integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia.

Not only that, the press can collaborate with the government to hold a public dialogue, regarding the issue of democracy that is rolling in Indonesia. Even with other things that are educational in order to obey the people’s choices that have been held last April. No doubt the intense provocation news and expressions of hatred on a variety of digital platforms turned out to have to be balanced by news from press partners who cooled the situation.

Maybe the Archipelago has become independent, so that colonialism is no longer felt stretched. However, this press was once again able to support the conducive situation towards the peak of this democratic party. However, there are often press that is not responsible, and cause ignition for chaos in this country. The worst can divide the unity and integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia.

Meanwhile, the available media information also sometimes presents content that is not soothing. Including leading the public to receive news from the frenzy, without seeing the substance of the intended information. In this regard, the media must always take an active role in maintaining national political stability. Because, like the need, if the news presented must be of high quality. So that the news recipient will be able to respond to it wisely and intelligently as well.

Speaking with regard to legitimacy, of course Jokowi-Ma’ruf has been officially lined up to be the leader of this country, so this is considered final, and there are no more interventions to disrupt this absolute decision. Moreover, Jokowi-Ma’ruf is a people’s choice, officially based on elections conducted according to the corridor and transparency of the people. In fact, most parties believe that the couple will be able to lead the Motherland according to their campaign promises.

One of them is the UI Alumni Movement (University of Indonesia). They readily stated that they would remain consistent in providing support to the elected president and vice president to advance to their throne. It is also ready to fight against unconstitutional and other despicable actions.

They also appealed to all parties, including UI’s own colleagues and other alumni friends, to remain tolerant and respect the election results. Therefore, these results are in accordance with applicable legal provisions. So, all parties are expected to be able to legowo and accept the agreed results.

Meanwhile, Born in the era of globalization This certainly makes the millennial generation have more advantages, especially in the mastery and adaptation of technology than the previous generation. In fact, this generation is invaded by the swift flow of information, so they can easily gain access to information and will learn a lot on a matter. Thus usually these millennials will think more openly and critically. So that the role of millennial generation should be able to see the main objectives of the programs and Jokowi’s performance. Even with their commitment to fully support and guard the government of the former mayor of Solo.

Furthermore, the role of the press, the younger generation and also the government is considered to be able to create greater positive forces. Given the three elements it is not possible to move alone. So that cooperation between them is expected to be built solidly with the principle of mutual benefit. Given the new round of the start of the struggle to build the Indonesian nation, it was before the eyes. The press and the younger generation are also expected to be able to support the programs and performance that will be carried out by the president. The link is to present a variety of positive content and eliminate various negative news including hoaxes and hate speech. Moreover, this young generation is predicted to be the successor to the nation, so that its positive role is considered to support the welfare of development.

) * The author is a contributor to the Indonesian Student Youth and Guards Forum body

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