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The Society Is Ready To Support The Escort For The Inauguration Of The Elected President / Vice President


By: Rahmat Kurniawan )*

A number of events, including student anarchist demonstrations have been indicated to be used by several parties to frustrate the inauguration of the elected President / Vice President. In response to this, a number of elements of the community expressed their commitment to oversee the inauguration of the elected President / Vice President.

The highlight of the democratic party is the inauguration of the elected President. Surely this will not be inevitable, when the candidate has been determined from the results of the general election. So, it is only natural that supporters of choice rejoice in welcoming the inauguration procession. On the other hand, the procession was quite attention-grabbing, various other forms of indication from several demonstrations that had led to chaos lately such as having a common thread.

The pure purpose of the action involving students was suspected that there were parties who deliberately infiltrated. To provide provocation to pass the objectives of political interests. However, students, groups, alliances, the public must be careful with such parties. Because they only want to divide the unity and security of the Republic of Indonesia.

Talking about community support to guard Jokowi’s inauguration in October 2019, in fact the flood of support. Starting from civil society to high state officials also expressed their support regarding Jokowi’s inauguration.

Viktor S Sirait as administrator of BaraJp (Jokowi Volunteer Line of the President) initiated the implementation of the precedent for the victory of Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidates number 1, Jokowi and Ma’ruf Amin. In fact, his party was ready to oversee the agenda of these activities as well as possible. Viktor also stated that if the inauguration was a mandate of the people of Indonesia, then the entire community must secure the people’s mandate.

Other support came from the alliance of the Cinta Damai Society and Cinta NKRI. James Talakua as Jokowi’s Supporting Spokesperson stated that the peaceful action that was held in the Sarinah building yard was a form of appeal to the public to exercise restraint and keep the country in a conducive situation. He also stated that his party strongly condemned all forms of harassment of the national emblem along with the dignity of every people because it crossed with the values ​​and manners of ancestors in a single diversity. Especially the form of action to convey aspirations accompanied by anarchistic actions. Firmly and confidently his side is ready to become the front guard to guard the government and President Jokowi.

It was stated that the action began by singing Indonesia Raya, the song Bagimu Negeri, Maju No Trembling and Bendera. Then it was continued with the declaration and socialization with the #kami bersamajokowi. Namely, by distributing around 2,000 florets of red and white roses, banners, stickers and not forgetting posters of support to the people around the Sarinah area. The Cinta Damai and Cinta NKRI Society will oversee the inauguration process of President Jokowi and Ma’ruf Amin, which was held on October 20, 2019.

James also gave full support to the TNI and Polri being compact in the effort to eradicate treason and separatism which wanted the 1945 Constitution and Pancasila to be replaced. James expressed his concern over the sad news from Wamena and the Incident in Kendari.

This Presidential Inauguration also reaps the support of the United Alumni Forum (FAB) which was initiated by 10 alumni of tertiary institutions and high schools in Indonesia. They are jointly committed to guarding the victory as well as the inauguration of the President and vice president Joko Widodo-Ma’ruf Amin.

This forum is also believed to consist of a number of supporters, including; East Java Alumni Forum (FAJ), UI alumni, UNS, Sriwijaya Bersatu, BelUSUkan, West Java Ngahiji (Unpad, Unpar, ITB, United Jakarta High School Alumni (ASJB), UNDIP University, Trisakti, and United PL. The forum also helped exterminate its movement through hashtag #AlumniKawalJokowi

The FAB emphasized that it would support law enforcement officials to act decisively and proportionally against any anarchist actions that would harm the public interest. He did not deny that he had been a student and activist, so he understood in conveying public aspirations in accordance with applicable legal corridors. The FAB added that Jokowi – Ma’ruf Amin did not walk alone. Regarding the indications to disturb the constitution in Indonesia, they stated they were ready to support Jokowi.

The peak of this Democratic Party should be interpreted as a new chapter for more advanced Indonesia. And should not be tainted by acts of anarchism. Which is increasingly widespread will be the attempt to overthrow the leadership of President Jokowi. The decision has been taken, the winner has been determined so as a good citizen must be legowo and wise. Hopefully Jokowi is able to bring change to our beloved Indonesia.

)* The author is a social political observer

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