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The Urgency of Prevention of Terrorism Act

Terrorism is actually not about religion
Terrorism is actually not about religion

By: Basa Brawijaya *)

Jakarta, CIDISS – Actions during and after the terror ineffective and inefficient because it will cause a lot of casualties from both law enforcement officers and civilians. It can be seen from ISIS attacks in France, Turkey and Indonesia lately. Number of victims of the attack in Paris, France reached 153 people were killed and many wounded. While in the bombing of ISIS in Istanbul left 11 people dead and several injured. While acts of terror in the region last Sarinah causing seven people dead and dozens injured. Readiness of officers in dealing with terror is the key factor at least casualties. But it is certainly not going to stop other terrorist acts.

Prevention of terrorist acts must be castrated until the root of the problem, enforcement and prevention of the causes of terror that is now being carried out by radical groups. Pencangan revision of anti-terrorism law is the right step to sharpen Indonesian law in killing the embryo of terrorism in Indonesia. This means that a terrorist anti-terrorism law should be able to provide legal sanding for law enforcement officials to carry out preventive measures against those who have become members of an extremist group or who would commit acts of terror without ignoring Human Rights (HAM).

Less precise if we think that the revision of anti-terrorism laws solely to add intelligence authority. Coordination and synergy has often carried the intelligence to prevent acts of terror. But action against those who have been confirmed to follow the activities and terrorist training becomes constrained because they do not have a criminal element in the anti-terrorism law. They can better carry out their activities without showing that those terror groups in front of the Indonesian law. For example, they practice shooting by using wood or proselytizing or lecturing to mention another group and NKRI is thogut but was not followed up by the police. So they often escape the law. Strengthening the legal basis in the prevention of terrorism is very important and is the right step in facing the ideology and terrorist groups in Indonesia. [BB]

*) Social Observer

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