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Thousands of Entrepreneurs Support Jokowi


By: Angga Permana *

The declaration to pair number 01 revolves around ten thousand entrepreneurs who are members of the Pro Jokowi Employee Employee Group (KerJo). KerJo declared support to candidate number 01 Joko Widodo – Ma’ruf Amin at Istora Senayan Jakarta March 21 2019. Sofjan Wanandi as an advisor to KerJo who is a national business figure said, Jokowi’s background – Ma’ruf Amin because Jokowi was considered a decisive leader defend Pancasila and care for the diversity of the nation. In addition, Jokowi’s leadership for 4 years as president was also assessed as having proven its success.

            “With all his strengths and weaknesses as president, we employers see Jokowi as the best figure to lead the Republic forward. Entrepreneurs want the continuity and certainty of our political and economic direction going forward. We want the sure thing. “We already know the track record of Pak Jokowi,” Sofjan said.

            Meanwhile KerJo Coordinator, Hariyadi Sukamdani said Jokowi’s leadership to re-lead the government in the next five years was needed to maintain political stability and the continuity of Indonesia’s economic and political policies. Hariyadi said Jokowi was believed by a group of entrepreneurs as democratic, not authoritarian leaders and willing to listen and absorb the aspirations of the business world.

            “Because of that consideration, we Indonesian businessmen declared an attitude to support the re-election of Pak Joko Widodo as President of the Republic of Indonesia,” Hariyadi said.

            According to Hariyadi, Jokowi was considered to have given a role model by not being involved in the practices of corruption, collusion and nepotism. So that it can be relied on to develop a competitive business climate, not monopolistic and not nepotistic.

            All views about the president who are rigid, frightening and distant change in the hands of Jokowi. The former Mayor of Solo is no longer haunted, more relaxed and not much protocol. Indonesian people already know that Pak Jokowi is a popular leader. He does not leave his old habit of blusukan. He had visited almost all regions in Indonesia. In fact, Mr. Jokowi was the first president to deal with direct communication with the inner child tribe in Jambi Province. This approach is used to hear aspirations directly from the community.

            In addition, so far Jokowi has proven steadfast in maintaining Pancasila as the ideology of the Indonesian nation from the increasingly widespread threat of extreme ideology that is anti-diversity. Pancasila is an important ideology of the nation as a director in facing various challenges in the future. Changes in the world that are so fast now, he said, must be anticipated.

            According to Megawati Soekarno Putri, the morality of the Pancasila must be an inseparable part even as it should have been the foundation of the Indonesian education system. Another reason is that President Jokowi has shown firmness and courage in taking various unpopular but strategic policies for future national economic growth. In the declaration, also read the text of the declaration of support witnessed directly by Jokowi. In addition, the helm of the KerJo project was also handed over to Jokowi as a symbol of support for Paslon number 01 Jokowi – Ma’ruf in the 2019 Presidential Election.

            Jokowi is a leader whose hard work deserves a thumbs up. He works in the morning, afternoon, evening and night to ensure that Indonesia’s development runs smoothly. In fact, the slogan is “work, work, work!”. For Jokowi, working can produce something, while talking doesn’t produce anything. In fact, even when pioneering a furniture business, Jokowi only slept 3 hours per day, the rest of the time he used was to work.

            In the declaration, Jokowi arrived with a black jacket. His party expressed the importance of experience in undergoing government.

            “Once again, it is very important experience, I remember when I was a mayor, from an entrepreneur. Ladies and gentlemen, remember that I am still a businessman, but I just don’t take care of it, “he said while joking.

            Jokowi said that when he became mayor, he needed two years of learning to adapt. Because it is not easy to switch from the world of entrepreneurs into the world of government. For this reason, Jokowi doubts if there is someone who wants to try to lead Indonesia, but has no experience running the government.

) * The author is a businessman / citizen of Depok, West Java

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