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Thousands of Santri in Bandung Support Jokowi Two Periods


CIDISS. Thousands of Santri in West Java who are members of the “Santri Regiment Support Jokowi” Establish a Command Post and Declare support for Jokowi to run again as President of the Republic of Indonesia in the 2019 Presidential Election.

The Santri assessed that the Infrastructure Development that has been built encourages the acceleration of Economic progress to the regions, this is evidenced by the construction of new toll roads on the island of Java, Sumatra and Kalimantan, as well as the development of Trans Papua which is very helpful for the special community in the underdeveloped regions.

Jokowi deserves the opportunity of Two Periods because it is assumed that the jokowi santri are able to unite differences, with his figure who is close to the ulama and religious leaders, considered to be a value added, and a symbol of unifying the nation. Almost every religious activity from various mass organizations is often attended by him to listen to the aspirations of religious people and leaders.

Chairperson of the Santri Regiment Supports Jokowi, Aa Abdul Rozak said that this declaration was not merely asala, but the result of the deliberations of the Kiai-Kiai. Rozak also revealed that his party would socialize the Santri Regiment. Support Jokowi to boarding school huts in West Java as a follow-up to the Declaration of Support for Jokowi.

Pak Jokowi is a figure who is very concerned about education, he often travels to Islamic boarding schools directly reviewing facilities and teaching and learning activities in the pesantren, Puncak recognition The existence of santri is also given by President Jokowi, he set October 22 as National Santri day. And this is an unforgettable appreciation for all students in Indonesia. Jokowi became the first President in Dejure and Defacto which acknowledged the struggle of the santri, with a National Santri Day set. According to him in the history of the founding of this Nation, from the start of the struggle for independence, to maintain independence to fill independence, Santri has a very large role to be a Social and Cultural Stabilizer in society.

By : Rikky,S*)

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