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To make the AIS Forum Summit in Bali a success, the Ministry of Law and Human Rights provides a special immigration route for delegates


BALI – The Regional Office (Kanwil) of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Ministry of Law and Human Rights) Bali Province provides a special route to support the smooth immigration process at I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport for delegates attending the 2023 AIS Forum Summit.

“In this case, there are at least two booths that will carry out this special task,” said Head of the Bali Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Anggiat Napitupulu in Denpasar.

He explained that the booth supporting the immigration process was planned to be guarded by eight officers or four officers each for two booths.

According to Anggiat, the most crucial task is when the delegation arrives at the International Arrivals Terminal.

“Arrival is what is crucial, while for departure there are 10 booths with two officers each,” said Anggiat.

Meanwhile, delegations at the level of ministers, heads of government or heads of state, their arrival will be processed through a room in the VIP building.

Previously, Director General of Information and Public Communication, Ministry of Communication and Informatics Usman Kansong explained that the 2023 AIS Forum Summit invited 51 AIS Forum participating countries.

The 2023 AIS Forum Summit invites representatives from 51 archipelago and island countries, with a target of 25 representatives at head of state/government level and 30 to 47 representatives at ministerial level.

The Island and Island Countries Forum will also be attended by nine heads of international organizations, including the Pacific Island Countries Forum (PIF), the Melanesian Cooperation Group (MSG), the Caribbean Community Group of States (CARICOM), the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). ).

In addition, the forum will be attended by heads or leaders from intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, including the United Nations (UN), World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and Associations Indian Ocean Coastal Countries (IORA).

Usman added that the 2023 AIS Forum High Level Conference emphasized concrete solutions related to four problems, namely climate change mitigation, blue economy, handling plastic waste in the sea, and maritime governance.(*)

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