By: Arifin )*
The UN Security Council released a statement that in one paragraph mentions high appreciation towards the quick response and courage of Indonesian Security forces dealing the situation of bombings and shootings that occurred in the area of Thamrin, Central Jakarta, said Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi at the Presidential Palace Complex, Central Jakarta, Friday (15/1/2016), reported by CNN Indonesia.
“One of paragraph from their statement deliver tribute to the quick response and courage of the Indonesian security forces in dealing with the terror situation in the Thamrin area, ” said Retno, quoted Sindonews.com
It was submitted after the cooperation between the Indonesian Permanent Representative in New York and the UN Security Council. Ambassador Desra Percaya, Permanent Representative to the UN in New York said the Security Council statement was proof of international recognition of Indonesia’s ability to overcome the threat of terrorism.
“This recognition is a tribute to the hard work of the security forces and the Indonesian community in tackling the threat of terrorism, ” he said, in an official statement, as reported by kabar24.com (15/1/2016)
Meanwhile, Chief of Indonesian Police, General Badrodin Haiti ensure of the Indonesian economy still safety after an explosion at a Starbucks coffee shop, Jalan MH Thamrin, Central Jakarta, reported VIVA.co.id
“For tourists, investment, economics, everything is safe, no problem, ” said Badrodin at Police Headquarters, Trunojoyo III street, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta on January 15, 2016.
)* The Author is Jakarta Regional Contributor