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Understanding the Support of the Habib in Situbondo and Bondowoso Against Jokowi – Ma’ruf


By: Aisyah Rahmawati) *

The Habib in Situbondo and Bondowoso regencies, East Java, claimed support for the pair Joko Widodo – Ma’ruf Amin in the April 2019 elections, more and more. They are also ready to win the number 1 position in East Java.

Putra Situbondo Region Habib Sholeh Al Mudhar, who is also a national campaign team (TKN) Jokowi – Ma’ruf said, at this time, they were intensively consolidating in all villages and sub-districts in Situbondo Regency. The Habib, Kiai and Islamic Boarding Schools, were involved in garnering a vote of support for the victory of pair number 01.

“We are targeting support to reach 60% of the vote for Jokowi – Maufuf. For Situbondo after consolidation, I have confidence, God willing, the vote reaches 60%. East Java is over 60% because there are many kiai who support Jokowi, “Habib Sholeh Al Mudhar said in Situbondo.

He added, his party would immediately declare the habib – Indonesia for the victory of Jokowi and Ma’ruf Amin. However, he also would not insist if there were other habib who were not in a line in supporting candidate number 01 candidate pairs.

 “We continue to stay in touch with kiai – kiai and boarding schools. Yesterday we from the Ponpes in Bangkalan, Alhamdulilah got support for Jokowi – Kiai Ma’ruf. We also go to Sukorejo and to the networks that have won Ms. Khofifah during the East Java Election in Situbondo, “he said.

 “Thank God yesterday we also got support from a large family of Syaikhona Kholil Bangkalan Islamic Boarding School,” Habib Sholeh said.

In fact, Habib Sholeh continued, his party would in the near future declare the support of the Habib throughout Indonesia to the Jokowi – Ma’ruf Amin pair. The planned declaration will be in Jakarta next March. It did not force the Habib to participate in supporting Jokowi. However, at present many habib are in droves in support of candidate number 01.

The support declaration was read by Habib Thoha Almuhdar. Habib Thoha said, the entire Habib was solid in supporting the Jokowi – Ma’ruf pair in the 2019 Presidential Election.

 “We support him because he works real, which has been seen and he is a devout Muslim and he is in love with habib and ulama,” said Habib Thoha.

Habib Thoha said, support was given to Jokowi – Maufuf because the Habibs saw Jokowi appear to be providing real work. Thus, he appealed not to elect candidates who did not appear to work and have an impact on the benefit of the nation.

 “Hopefully what he presents to the people and people of Indonesia in particular will be elected again in 2019-2024 later,” he added.

While one of the habib from Bondowoso, Habib Husin Bin Muhdlar Al Muhdiar requested that the Habib be clever in choosing leaders. Leaders must have criteria including good people, diligent worship, thinking about the people, and working professionally. Jokowi – Ma’ruf Amin is considered to have all of these criteria.

 Habib Sholeh also emphasized that the support given by Habib to Jokowi – Ma’ruf proved that it was not true that all Habib groups supported pair number 02, Prabowo Subianto – Sandiaga Uno.

 “This is proof that two places are not small, and God willing, later in the afternoon there will be a declaration of hundreds of habib as well. So if you say a lot of Habib to Prabowo it’s not true, “Habib Sholeh said

In the same place, Habib Sayid Ali said, there are three aspects in Islam to choose prospective leaders, namely about their worship, their morals and knowledge. According to Habib Ali, Jokowi – Ma’ruf has these prerequisites.

According to Habib Ali, to determine the future national leaders, he emphasized these three aspects to compare between candidate pairs. “So we know the best quality, both in terms of morals, the side of worship and knowledge. And Mr. Joko Widodo is superior to others, “he concluded.

“God willing, Habib in Bondowoso supports Jokowi – Ma’ruf Amin,” said Habib Husen, followed by a shout of ‘Live Jokowi’.

 “It’s easy – the victory of the pair Number 01 Dirihoi Allah SWT, given an absolute victory,” he added.

Habib Ali bib Jindan added that there were strong reasons for the Habib to support Jokowi – Maufuf. First, Jokowi is a clean figure. Secondly, Jokowi’s children were not involved in a large state project. Third, Jokowi’s infrastructure was built in a special way.

 “My child just walked from Jakarta to Surabaya. Through the toll, you can get 9 hours including rest. “Infrastructure is good, the economy will run smoothly,” said Habib Ali.

Habib Husen also stressed that it was only Indonesia under President Jokowi who truly defended Palestine. He called the Middle East already sold because he no longer supported Palestine.

Furthermore Habib Husen requested that the public not listen to the hoaxes circulating ahead of the election. Because hoaxes are only issued by people who are afraid of losing. If there are still many hoaxes. Means that there is still someone who is not sure of winning.

According to Secretary General Hasto Krisyanto, even though the electability of Jokowi-Ma’ruf in East Java has reached more than 60%, consolidation and strengthening of support continue to be made especially in the horseshoe area.

This support certainly proves that all the consolidation efforts of the Habib in Situbondo and Bondowoso have added optimism to the victory of Jokowi – Ma’ruf in East Java.

) * The author is a sociopolitical observer

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