Violators of Emergency PPKM deserve strict sanctions
By : Hadi Utama ) *
The Policy for the Implementation of Emergency Community Activity Restrictions ( PPKM ) which was carried out on 3 -20 July 2020 is one of the government’s efforts in dealing with the number of Covid- 19 infection cases which has increased sharply recently. With this instruction, every agency and individual must actively participate in the success of this Emergency PPKM , and those who violate it will be given strict sanctions to provide a deterrent effect.
In its implementation, Emergency PPKM regulates all activities, including essential sectors which include finance, information and communication technology, Covid-19 non-quarantine hotels, and the export industry. All of this is done with a 50 percent work from home (WFH) and 50 percent work from office (WFO) system , while for the non-essential sector, the implementation is 100 percent WFH. Regarding teaching and learning activities, the government asks all educational units to conduct online or online learning .
The implementation of PPKM itself has actually been carried out last February . The results were also positive with a reduction in the number of infections kassus Covid -19 pretty drasti s . As of March 7, 2021, the number of active cases was 147,7450 cases, or decreased by 9,348 cases (5.95%) compared to February 21, 2021 which was 157,088 cases. The percentage of active cases is now also at 10.71% from the previous 12.29%. However, the case went up again in June . The surge in cases of viral infection Covid -19 even this t ID ak playful amount. Even on June 26 , the number of infections reached 21,000 cases in just one day.
The extraordinary impact that we can feel today is how the condition of our health infrastructure has become chaotic. The hospital is full to the scarcity of oxygen supplies. This is of course very dangerous if not handled properly. Therefore, the implementation of Emergency PPKM this time is an important thing that we must carry out together.
The main key to the success of Emergency PPKM this time is the level of discipline that must be built together starting from the implementers of the rules which in this case are the central and regional governments to even the lowest levels of society . All must work together to make PPKM a success this time.
The community’s discipline in implementing the rules contained in the Emergency PPKM this time is the spearhead of our success in efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19. If people today are aware of the importance of discipline in the implementation of Emergency PPKM and moreover comply with health protocols, the number of Covid-19 infections can drop drastically.
The implementation of this Emergency PPKM actually also involves the Regional Government. This was stated directly in the Instruction Minister of the Interior 15 Year 2021. In a i n s truksi Affairs Minister this time, governors, regents and mayors do not implement the provisions referred to in the instructions of the Minister, subject to administrative sanction in the form of a written warning twice successively until temporary dismissal as stipulated in Article 68 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) of Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government.
With this instruction, every agency and individual under the auspices of the Regional Government must actively participate in the success of this Emergency PPKM. Because if there is a violation, strict sanctions are ready to await the violators of the Emergency PPKM.
Repression is expressly important to be implemented in view of the rules that a da already includes about these things so that the existing legal framework was sufficient to conduct the prosecution of the case. In addition, enforcement is very important in order to provide a deterrent effect for violators in programs that concern the lives of many people.
When we expect the community to be able to live disciplined for the benefit of the community at large, then this discipline must first be embedded in the state apparatus who is the implementer of the rule. It will look very strange when people who violate are given sanctions but the government who violates them is not. Equality before the law must be a universal value that is always shared.
Firmness in imposing sanctions on local government elements who are not disciplined in carrying out the provisions of the Emergency PPKM this time will also give confidence to the public that the Central Government is serious about implementing this Emergency PPKM.
With this apparent sincerity, efforts to bring order to the community will be one step easier because this restriction instruction is carried out jointly from the Central Government , Regional Government to the community can understand and realize the importance of discipline in the implementation of this Emergency PPKM.
)* The author is a Social Problem Observer living in Depok