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Wisely Addressing Election Fraud Issues


By: Muhammad Ridwan) *

The accusation of fraud that occurred in each election implementation is a common thing in the practice of democratic countries. Allegations of fraud continue to arrive from the beginning of the vote count to the recapitulation stage of the election results.

Presidential chief of staff Moeldoko said there was no perfect democratic party. If there are two imperfections, there is a legal mechanism that can be taken by those who feel disadvantaged.

In response, Mahfud MD as chairman of the Suluh Kebangsaan Movement and its members visited the Office of the General Election Commission (KPU) to see first hand the counting system (Situng) or real count process carried out by the KPU yesterday.

His arrival was because he felt uncomfortable when there was a recent development where there were allegations and allegations of structured fraud at the KPU.

Mahfud came to the KPU accompanied by Professor of Statistics of IPB, Asep Saefudin and daughter of the late President Abdurrahman Wahid, Alisa Wahid, who claimed that before the vote they had met with the ranks of KPU commissioners. At that time, Mahfud had worked professionally. But his arrival this time to ensure the news that developed in the community.

Mahfud also mentioned that out of the 101 errors, 24 of them were reports from the community, the rest of which were found by the KPU itself, corrected themselves because they were found by themselves where the public did not know.

 “The community report is only 24. From there it means that there are only 0.0004%. That means there is one in 2,500 polling stations, from which it becomes very unlikely if there is a structured engineering that should have percentages, this is only 1 per 2500, there may not be intentional, “said Mahfud.

Thus, the former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court appealed to the entire community to check directly the data that had been inputted in the KPU count. According to Mahfud, if he is still uncertain about the data inputted in the KPU calculation, he suggests taking two legal forums.

First, the community can take a legal forum in accordance with the application of existing regulations, namely tiered recapitulation which will be announced by the KPU on 22 May.

If the method is still in doubt, then he suggests taking the second method, namely by taking a lawsuit or disputing the election results in the Constitutional Court. With this, he hopes that the community will remain calm while continuing to oversee the recapitulation carried out by the KPU in stages.

Of course he does not consider that 101 errors per 2500 must be justified, but it must be understood and this can still be resolved in the data contest on May 22, 2019.

He also added that in 101 polling stations it turned out that it was not winning one of the president and vice president candidate pairs. According to Mahfud, both the candidate pair 01 and 02 were the same as losses and the same as profit from some data that were inputted to Situng.

 “It is not possible (KPU data input error) is structured. If it is structured, it must be the same, and this is the same. And in the KPU there is data, which one benefits the candidate pair 01 which benefits the candidate pair 02, which one is the one which is already there, “he concluded.

Constitutional law expert Refly Harun said that in every election event there could almost certainly be deficiencies such as fraud. But specifically in the simultaneous elections in 2019, Refly argued that this was too naive if there were allegations of fraud on a large scale.

According to him, election fraud can be said to occur in a structured manner if there is a chain of command from top to bottom which instructs to do everything.

Then is it true that the KPU is cheating? Later, PKB politician Abdul Arif said that the confusion and fraud were far different. Mistakes are unintentional things, while cheating is a deliberate thing even planned.

Cheating is even institutionalized. Done sistically by parties who have understood each other. Cheating requires the collaboration of many elements in a neatly arranged structure.

Just an illustration, that KPU Personnel were chosen by political parties through their representatives in the House of Representatives Commission II. Where all factions are involved. To imagine that the parties chosen by the party will cheat in the General Election followed by political parties who have chosen them, this is certainly difficult.

) * The author is a sociopolitical observer

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