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Work Visit to Papua, Proof of Jokowi’s Commitment to Advance Development


By: Rebecca Marian )*

President Jokowi visited Papua and West Papua on October 26, 2019. The first work visit after the inauguration was considered as a real commitment to develop and advance the people there.

Jokowi’s promise related to the acceleration of development in the easternmost regions of Indonesia, Papua has gradually been realized. This was also reflected in the visits to the visits several times, in order to review the extent to which the implementation targets were achieved. One of them is the agenda of President Jokowi’s visit to West Papua with the First Lady, Iriana and also a number of ministers who filled his new cabinet.

Jokowi reiterated that the visit this time was to continue to be committed to advancing Papua, both in the physical sector and human resources (HR). He also asked the Indonesian people to interpret for themselves the reason he often visited Papua and West Papua. Jokowi expressed the intensity of his visit to this region as evidence that the government is very serious in developing the earth of Cenderawasih.

For example, during the inauguration of the Youtefa Bridge which stretches over Youtefa Bay and connects Jayapura City with the Skouw State Crossing Post, he claimed to have come up to 13 times over five years. Whereas in other regions, he only visited three to four times at most. He said he wants to immediately complete development in the land of Papua. This was done in order to reach the effectiveness of residents and stretching the economy of the residents there.

It was not only the red bridge mega project that was successfully realized. However, many of the development focus targets have been completed. Among other things, the construction of toll roads, the establishment of the East Palapa Ring project that is useful for freeing Papua from internet connectivity. The project that is predicted will be able to accelerate the economy of this citizen has been completed and can be enjoyed.

In the health sector, it was also mentioned that improvements in facilities and infrastructure such as hospitals, health centers, and other health services were also built and improved. Including an increase in the number of live births compared to before development. In the education sector, the availability of learning facilities has also begun to be stated to have increased. The entry of the internet as a window to see the outside world has also been enjoyed by students there.

For remote and remote areas a national road access is being built which will summarize the mileage while also facilitating the distribution of community needs. Including the government’s success in implementing BBM at a price of Rp6,500. Previously, it could reach Rp. 50 thousand, and Rp. 100,000, when experiencing scarcity.

The development in the tourism sector did not escape the attention of this RI number 1 person. He stated that the infrastructure development would be able to lift tourism potential as a small paradise in Indonesia. Which not only improves the people’s economy but also develops other potentials. Including increasing focus on hosting the 2020 National Sports Week. Which will be carried out in three regions namely Jayapura Municipality, Jayapura Regency and Mimika Regency.

The former mayor of Solo also claimed that he did not want the gap between the Western, Central and Eastern Archipelago to be so prominent. In fact, he hopes that inequality between the various regions does not exist at all. The main disparity that can be seen is infrastructure, connectivity which will continue to be pursued. So that Indonesia as a whole has a similarity, lest there be such a striking difference.

His attention in realizing the acceleration of development was motivated by his experience when he first served as President. He found many lack of access to infrastructure, especially in rural areas and remote areas of Papua. Previously, Jokowi also stated that members of the TNI and the National Police were ready to guarantee security in the regions of Papua and West Papua, so that the wheels of the economy there would return to normal, after the riots some time ago.

Do not forget Jokowi also appealed to the whole community to learn from experience and make it a lesson so that it does not happen again in the future. According to him, residents must hold a commitment to unite in developing the Earth of Paradise. If all are able to hold this commitment, of course, prosperity and prosperity will soon be obtained.

Given this concrete evidence, Jokowi’s role in government cannot be considered playful. Its seriousness in implementing a number of priority projects must be recognized. Even with all the kunker agenda in Papua as a form of attention and commitment to immediately rid the Earth of Paradise from underdevelopment. Hopefully the other commitments will soon slide following the success of the achievements that have been enjoyed.

)* The author is a social political observer

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