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Wriggling Economy Has Restored, Wamena Already Conducive


By: Jeremiah Kogoya )*

Good news came from Wamena, the atmosphere was back conducive. This is reflected in the economic stretch that is starting to stabilize.

Anarchist action in Wamena a few days ago could make the world broke down. Bumi Cendrawasih, which was initially cool and burning, was caused by the hoax news. Many public facilities were destroyed, shop houses to residents’ houses were not separated from the fury of the masses in Wamena. Thousands of residents choose to flee, save themselves.

There are also reports of increasingly violent mobs, burning everywhere. Indiscriminately, all become victims. TNI and Polri were deployed to carry out security. Good news came, many victims fell. Makes sad heart and feelings. In fact, there are indications of the link between this event and the OPM (Free Papua Organization).

Wiranto, as the Coordinating Minister for Politics and Security said the riots that occurred in Wamena, Papua, were spearheaded by two movements, namely the Free Papua Organization (OPM) and Papuan separatist Benny Wenda. He stated that according to the results of this study all came from a movement consisting of two forces. OPM is considered to have been there even though the numbers are small. However, before the Human Rights Summit session at the UN General Assembly, they clearly showed their existence. Namely joining forces with Benny Wenda.

Wiranto said the allegations of the OPM and Benny Wenda launching this riot was to get international attention. The implication is that it can be used as a weapon to free Papua and West Papua. This conspiracy is what we are facing, thankful their efforts failed. And the Swiss Human Rights Summit did not pay special attention.

Over time, fresh air comes. The atmosphere of the city in Wamena is starting to improve. This is reflected starting to stretch the economy there. Although no doubt, there are still thousands of citizens who choose to be in refugee camps for safety. Many of them have returned to their homes and carried out activities as before.

A number of traders of basic necessities also began to open their businesses in the City of Wamena. Reporting from various sources, the situation was declared conducive after 7 days of the riots in Wamena. Along the streets of the city of Wamena it is observed to be quite stable, though not as busy as usual. However, at least the breath of life began to rustle. Some residents who have opened their trading businesses are in the area of ​​Jalan Irian, Jalan Ahmad Yani, Jalan Trikora, Jalan Sulawesi, Jalan Yosudarso, and Jalan Bayangkara. Visible activities of children begin to play outside his home.

The situation is still inversely proportional in areas such as on Hom-Hom Street, and Wouma Market looks still not going well, because in this area almost all the shops were burned to the ground. Though usually the area is quite crowded with people visiting every day as a shopping place. Residents stated that if they were brave enough to reopen the business because they had been called on by the local government and the TNI and the National Police, that the atmosphere of the city could begin to be compromised. Many people hope that the “hot” situation will recover quickly as before. They also appealed to look after one another and establish brotherhood in order to strengthen unity. So that all activities can run normally again.

Similar opinions came from Jayawijaya Regent, John Richard Banua. He made sure the atmosphere of the city of Wamena was gradually stabilizing. He hopes more people can open their businesses. Because the TNI and Polri guaranteed security and placed a number of officers at every point on the Wamena city road. Jhon revealed, if his party had held a meeting with traditional leaders, the community and local church leaders. Which is committed to maintaining security also signed a mutual agreement. Lt. Col. Inf Candra Dianto, as Dandim 1702 Jayawijaya stated that if they continue to hold the police and all elements of the community so that the situation in Wamena will return to normal.

Candra also explained that he had placed a number of officers at a vulnerable point, both in the city and suburbs. This is done to convince the public not to worry because the conditions can be overcome. He also appealed to all people in Wamena City and the Central Mountains of Papua in general to not be easily provoked by untrue issues, because the issue was deliberately raised to lure people so that the city was not conducive.

Let all elements of society join hands, strengthen strength and avoid any provocation so as not to fall into this kind of action. Hopefully. Wamena quickly stabilized as before.

)* The author is a social political observer

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