Youth of Kalteng Reject Compulsory Military Service

Choirul Fuadi, Central Kalimantan, CIDISS – Recently, the Ministry of defence (Kemenhan) announced the Program of country’s defence. But the discourse not only just got a rejection reaction from among the activists at the central level, but also a number of activist Student Youth Alliance of Central Kalimantan (AMP – KT) of Palangka Raya, Kalteng , they rolled out action against the program which is considered a form of setback in a climate of democracy.
Program of country’s defence will start on Monday (19/10) in 45 counties/cities, but it was postponed for three days ahead. The plan, the country’s defence programs followed for a month from age 18 to 50 years old.
As quote in Kalteng Pos, Tuesday (20/10/2015), Ijan, Coordinator of the AMP-KT said the country’s defence policy is one of the fascist policies in the era of President Jokowi-JK. Where, one program is to block the people’s movement. Namely, by way of mobilizing force people engage in compulsory education.
“Country’s defence is a threat of Westernization of democracy and human rights in Indonesia,” said the Chairman of APM – KT to a number of journalists.
For this case, he said, his part of National Youth Front and Set Students and students of Hanau asked to Government to cancel the program, including stopping the involvement of the TNI in the conflict.
“As well as the Elimination of military involvement as well as evening hours in the campus,” he said.
Although the numbers of demonstrate were only a dozen people, in peace action that lasted one hour, officials from the Polres of Palangka Raya keep doing intensive security screening. (*)