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All The Indonesia’s Provinces Will Be Participated In Ambon City Expo

All The Indonesia’s Provinces Will Be Participated In Ambon City Expo
All The Indonesia’s Provinces Will Be Participated In Ambon City Expo

By: Maya *)

It’s been planned that total of 33 provinces in Indonesia will enliven Indonesian City Expo that will be held in Ambon City in May 2015. Because in addition to the exhibition participants will also follow the carnival culture, and there are several other activities that took place from May 6 to 10 2015.

Chairman of the national working committee meeting (congress) APEKSI Steven Domingoes, explained, it is estimated there are about 10 thousand people who will come to Ambon in Indonesia City Expo event and congress APEKSI later, therefore, good preparation and transportation has long ago prepared by local government.

For the accommodation, the local government itself has set a two star hotel that will be occupied by APEKSI guests, which are: The Natsepa Hotel and Swissbel Hotel. Not only those two hotels that have been booked by the local government, but 80 percent of hotels in the city of Ambon rooms are already booked for participants Indonesia City Expo and EO which supports activities for the meeting and Indonesia City Exspo underway.

“For the mayor and deputy mayor room already prepared a hotel room and all the authority of the municipal government funding Ambon, while rooms for participants of Indonesia City Expo are not the responsibility of government,” he explained.

In addition to the car to transport, guests of APEKSI Conggress, Dominggus said, it also has prepared dozens of buses to transport the participants Indonesia City Exspo and to cope with the number of participants and visitors at Merdeka Square, the site of the exhibition, then it will build again a few units of permanent public restroom but it also is prepared a several mobile public restrooms.

“The construction is planned to be carried out immediately and the location is beside the field exit to Pattimura Park around some units,” he said.

He hoped, Indonesia City Expo implementation went smoothly and had the support of the community because a lot of the benefits of the implementation of these activities.

*) The Author Is Maluku Regional Contributors

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