By: Maya *)
Ambon City Government finally made a decision for public transportation’s price adjustment . As the proof, some time ago, the municipal government to raise public transport fares by 30 percent. But now when fuel prices lowered, it was lowered only 6 percent rate. The price is so small and not worth the drop in fuel prices that has been lowered two times this term an it is very detrimental to the community while gives benefit for the public transportation entrepreneur.
Surprisingly Ambon Mayor Richard Louhenapessy still claim the rates are in accordance study. The current mayor announced the tariff reduction in the Media Center City Government, on Thursday (29/1) said that the policy of public transportation tariff reductions that ranged from 6 to 6.06 percent, down USD 200 from the previous tariff in accordance with the Decision of the Mayor of Ambon No. 56 in 2015 on Public Transportation Tariff Adjustment to General Economy Class Passengers in Ambon City.
“The new price will come into force on Friday (30/1) and the determination itself is in accordance with studies conducted by the government with Organda and related parties, including the consideration of the price of the vehicle spare parts,” he said.
According to him, the decline in fuel prices also had no effect on the decline in the price of other needs that Ambon city government could not take a step further.
“The decline itself is adapted to the economic conditions in Ambon so that employers and vehicle owners are asked not to raise the price of the deposit in order to decrease the rate itself is not detrimental to the driver,” he said.
He also hoped that people could understand this policy. “I believe the mindset of the people of Ambon has been good, so it is not possible to decline 6 percent,” he said further.
Among of 61 route public transportation route, it;s only 60 route having adjusted with the policy, while the public transportation with route of Mount Nona was rising its price because the route will be extended from Wara to the vanity area. “Rates public transportation with route of Mount Nona previously raised from Rp 3,500 to Rp 4,000 for residents who settled in the region Vanity ,” he explained.
To anticipate the occurrence of fraud committed by the driver public transportation route of Mount Nona, Mayor asserted, officers of the Transportation Agency will be placed in the path so that the driver does not arbitrarily raise and drop off passengers at will. “For public transportation on all routes which do not adjust rates, the city government is ready to freeze the route permit. If you are still using the old public transportation fare will not be issued again,” he warned.
He also added, that in the future Ambon Government also will conduct market supervision for collect data of the impact of the decline in prices for fuel set by the central government. “People should not be burdened with that, so we need to adjust the operation of the market because the price of fuel price has been lowered by a government official that market participants should also not be casually toying moreover prices of basic needs,” said the Mayor.
According to Decree No. 56 of Ambon Mayor 2015 on public transportation Tariff Adjustment To General Economy Class passengers in the city of Ambon, the public transportation rates, which dropped them stretch LIN I, II LIN, LIN III, Batu Merah, Tantui, Galala and Hative Kecil Atas Rp 2,800 (public passenger) and Rp 2,000 (student). LIN V, Karang Panjang, Air Salobar, Kudamati, Benteng Atas and Taman Makmur Rp 3,000 (public transportation) and Rp 2,000 (student). LIN IV, Halong Baru, Galunggung, Kebun Cengkeh, Kayu Putih Rp 3,100 (public passenger) and Rp 2,000 (student). Route Passo and Batu Gong Rp 3,800 (public transportation) and Rp 2,000 (student). Hative Besar Rp 5,600 (public passenger) and Rp 2,300 (student), Laha Rp. 7.0000 (public passenger) and Rp 3,500 (student), Kampung Keranjang Rp 7,100 (public passenger) and Rp 3,600 (student).
*) The Author Is Maluku Regional Contributors