By: Jabir Ahmad *)
Despite the bid for clemency made by the two Australians drug smugglers on death row has been rejected by the President of Indonesia, Mr. Joko Widodo who later on firmly stating that there will be no amnesty for drug dealers in Indonesia, “No Compromise”, Australian government yet keeps up the spirit to save the life of its citizen. The two Australian men, Myuran Sukumaran and Andrew Chan who were sentenced to death for their part in organising the 2005 Bali Nine heroin trafficking attempt, are now waiting to be told where and when they would face firing squad since Indonesia Attorney, Mr Prasetyo, reiterated last week that the two Australians are among the next group of drug traffickers to be executed but he has yet to give a date.
One last shot probably the they had just couple of days ago was the second judicial review which delivered by their lawyer in Indonesia, Todung Mulya Lubis, were also rejected. The Denpasar District Court’s spokesman, Hasoloan Sianturi, informed that the second “PK” were declined after being considered by the chairman in reference to Indonesian law and in consultation with the country’s Supreme Court. This is not not surprising actually as the Indonesian government have said the pair are not eligible for any more case reviews or appeals. A strong message for the death row inmate’s supporters as well as the government of Australia that this is the final decision, all options had been exhausted and the judgement was made, no more could Australia do.
Now, technically speaking, it is only a matter of weeks for the Bali Nine prominent drugs traffickers to have their life come to an end. After all those efforts, will Oz take risk to do more pressure on Indonesia government? can Abbot save the life of these two Bali Nine ring leaders?
*) The Author Is Jakarta Regional Contributors