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Between Brotherhood and Stupidity

togetherness against conflict
togetherness against conflict

By: Awan Samudera *)

Jakarta, CIDISS – Sunni, Syia, Kharijites, Qadiriyya, and Jabariyyah are stream in Islam that have differences in looked at the Quran and Hadith. Thats is exactly become triggers of the differences that led conflicts between themselves. If we look far back, all of these teachings originated from one teaching, the teaching of which is led by the Caliph Ali bin Abi Talib in wartime Siffin (37 H).

Currently, Syiah is dominant streams of Islam in Iraq and Syria, but it doesnt make Syiah to control of Islam in thats country. All streams of Islam remains one, keep one Muslims brotherhood who believe in Allah SWT and use the Quran and Hadis as a way of life. It is inappropriate civil war between Muslims, as happened in Iraq and Syria today.

Muslim brotherhood undue rupture because of differences in purpose. Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Al-Sabaab, HTI, JAT, NU, Muhammadiyah, and others are Islamic religious groups that deserve a role model for the general public. Not be an example for civil war can cause a prolonged conflict and human misery of innocent and the young people who are supposed to be leaders in the future.

Currently, the world is shocked by the ISIS movement which wants to make an Islamic state in Iraq and Syria. Thus, ISIS spread his wings to gain support from all over the world, including Indonesia, which can be the strongest advocates of ISIS movement. Because, apart from being the largest Islamic country, Indonesia also became the basis of radical groups in Southeast Asia, and the radical group, the majority agreed with ISIS to make a caliphate system in the country.

In Indonesia, has many Islamic groups who expressed their support for ISIS. But, if we examine, ISIS justifies violence to achieve its goals, such as force pay taxes in northern Iraq, killing people who do not want to join ISIS and do not want to pay taxes, hostile to other religions, which in fact supports and not concerned about the Islamic religion, rob to obtain funds, and much more violence carried ISIS to achieve its objectives. Whereas in Islam, Islam teaches peace, do not advocate violence in solving problems, always uphold the consensus, a high tolerance to people of other faiths, and always uphold the unity of Islam.

Is that conflict as Islam? Certainly not. Conflict will only add misery for all the people. Differences that led to the conflict will be breaking the inter-Muslims in the world, including in Indonesia. ISIS is not the real Islam, ISIS simply want to establish an Islamic state which is coveted by themself, not an Islamic state which is able to protect all religions in the world, so that ISIS merely interest groups that want to realize the desire of the group, not the desire of Muslims world.

We as Muslims do not easily provoked to be a ruse carried out by the interest groups, still clinging to the Al-Quran and Hadis, do not be stupid and chimed into the wrong path. Islam is one, one in peace, one in the fraternity, and one in welfare. [AS]

*) Jakarta Contributor

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