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Photot Source: By NU Online

By: Marwan Achmad)*

Diversity in Indonesia is an undeniable necessity. The motto in the ideology of the Indonesian nation also affirms the condition, namely Bhinneka Tunggal Ika which means Different remains one too. This has been a mutual agreement. Pancasila and diversity as the basic social capital of Indonesia faces this shaky globalization. Indonesia became a model of the world, Pancasila is considered as the DNA of Indonesia that Indonesia is democratic, diverse, exotic, and tolerant.

Pancasila as the foundation of our country does not come suddenly, but goes through a long process and debate, draining energy and thought, an exhausting struggle when the nation is in several groups that almost certainly have different ideas. Each group certainly raises rational reasons to be accepted by the other group.

In the dynamics of diversity we often meet the seeds of disunity that disrupt the unity of the nation. The seeds of disunity are increasingly visible when the rampant provocation of SARA, slander and hate speech. The problem arises by tearing the knit of diversity so that little by little the differences that exist increasingly betrayed between one group with another. Even more dangerous emerging various movements from community groups who want to change the state base of Pancasila. Many society organization develop in post-transition reforms are caught up in misguided freedom, trying to replace Pancasila as the basis of the state. There is much alpha in history that Pancasila is the agreement of the founding fathers of the nation.

Responding to that, then the government is present to maintain the philosophy of life of the Indonesian Nation through the establishment of regulation of society organization. Determination of regulation of society organization is a form of Government’s concern in maintaining existing Unity so that diversity can be maintained up to the next generation.

)* The author is CIDISS Contributor

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