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Golput Is Not the Best Solution, Let’s Succeed the Sustainability of Nation Development


By: Anggi Nur Fitri *

Ahead of the 2019 Election, in the virtual world, many citizens now believe that they claim they will not use their voting rights, aka Golput. This is certainly very troubling because it is feared that the voices of those who do not vote will be misused by irresponsible individuals.

One of the reasons why the Golput movement emerged was due to the rise of hoax news spread in cyberspace. Many false news that citizens consume in cyberspace eventually lead to distrust so they think that not using suffrage is a good decision.

The right not to vote has indeed been ratified in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and everyone is free to use it. However, is taking a Golput attitude a good attitude? I feel this Golput attitude is detrimental because it means that indirectly those who act Golput do not participate in building the progress of our beloved homeland.

Instead of declaring yourself as the White Group, it is better to increase our awareness of false news that comes to our social media every day. By increasing awareness, we can filter out what is hoax and which are facts. By increasing self-awareness and not deciding on Golput I think it is a wise choice.

This means that we have participated in building Indonesia towards a better direction. By not abstaining, it means that we have participated in the success of a dignified national leadership sustainability. Let our citizenship fight hoaxes and tolsk golput for 2019 elections that are of quality and peace and let success of national leadership succeed in the success of national development.

2019 Election is a democratic party held every five years. By engaging in elections, we can realize the creation of a fair, peaceful and quality 2019 election.

*) Student at Pakuan University, Bogor

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