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New Autonomous Region of Papua Overcomes Development Gaps and Makes a Positive Impact


By: Theresia Wopari )*

The New Autonomous Region (DOB) of Papua has been able to overcome the development gap that has so far occurred in Indonesia. Not only that, but it also turned out to have had a lot of very positive impacts and influences that could be felt directly and in real terms by the people of Papua.

One of the seven development agendas in the 2020-2024 RPJMN is developing regions to reduce inequality and ensure equity. The commitment to equitable distribution of development among regions is contained in the policy to accelerate the development of lagging regions.

In the 2015-2019 period, the government, through the results of an evaluation by the Ministry of Health, showed that there were still a number of areas with underdeveloped status, but there were also a number of areas that had managed to rise from their backwardness.

Until now, it is undeniable that the eastern region of Indonesia continues to be the main target of the Central Government, especially in carrying out poverty alleviation programs so that there is even distribution of development between regions through efforts to accelerate development in lagging areas.

In fact, a number of strategies have been carried out in the span of 2020 until it is planned to continue to be intensified until 2024 from the Government to be able to continue to reduce the number of underdeveloped regions in the country, including alleviating even more underdeveloped areas so that there is even distribution of development among region in Indonesia.

To be able to do all of this, it is indeed very important to have coordination in improving village economic facilities and infrastructure in the lagging areas. In fact, the data shows that at least 67% of village development has a correlation with development outcomes in underdeveloped areas, so it can be said that indeed the relationship between village development and development of underdeveloped areas has significance.

The existence of village funds is one of the efforts made by the Government to be able to continue to optimize the development of lagging regions. Not only that, but there is another strategy, namely developing the coordination function and also increasing cooperation with other parties such as across ministries and agencies, including with local governments (Pemda).

In the future there needs to be a review and reassessment to focus more on village development programs in underdeveloped areas, by changing strategies and formulating institutional functions. One of the options for village development in underdeveloped areas is the need to optimize the role and function of the Director General of PDT so that the development of underdeveloped areas is more focused and holistic.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) M. Tito Karnavian is optimistic that the expansion of the four new autonomous regions in Papua, namely the Provinces of South Papua, Central Papua Province and Papua Mountains Province, tends to have more positive impacts than negative ones.

He gave an example, namely in the Province of West Papua, it is clear that there is a tendency for progress to be quite rapid. This can be seen from the side of the bureaucracy, licensing and also from how other administrative processes occur in the region. According to the Minister of Home Affairs Tito, the division of regions in Papua can cut the long and complicated bureaucracy which causes the government to run slowly.

Indeed, the existence of the New Autonomous Region in Papua has been proven to have many positive impacts on the people of Cenderawasih Earth. With the expansion of the region, namely in the Province of West Papua, for example, with the capital city of Manokwari, even though this area was only one sub-district, now it has become a city.

In addition, the areas around Manokwari that used to be closed and isolated are now open. There is even a road infrastructure that connects a number of areas in Manokwari with other areas.

Tito again gave an example of the positive impact of division that has occurred in other areas, namely in South Sumatra. A number of areas in the region including Bangka Belitung, Bengkulu and Lampung were split into separate provinces. As a result, these provinces are now experiencing rapid progress. Even its achievements exceed its original parent province, namely South Sumatra.

The Indonesian Minister of Home Affairs explained that with the formation of the Papua New Guinea, it was able to have a positive impact and influence on the community. One of them, of course, is the existence of public services that are motivated to be even better.

According to the Minister of Home Affairs, better service can be obtained because the center of government is in close proximity to the people of Merauke. So to get optimal service, people no longer need to come all the way to Jayapura.

There are lots of positive impacts that can be achieved by the region concerned, moreover these positive impacts are felt directly by the community. So it is clear that the formation of the Papua New Guinea carried out by the government is also capable of being a solution to address the development gap in Indonesia.

)* Papuan students live in Bandung

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